Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar׳s exclusive interview on BBC


That was the week that was

While Simchat Torah is the time when the Jewish people start a new year, with the recitation of the Five Books of Moses once again from the beginning,  Never has a Jewish new year had...

Climate Change

One of the “hottest” topics gaining increasing attention these days is the phenomenon of climate change. Opinions vary as to whether it is man-made or, instead, a natural climatic cycle that has been repeated...

Iran Is About to Conduct a Nuclear test

According to a terrifying story in the Jerusalem Post that cites numerous European security agencies, the Iranian terror regime may be perilously close to conducting a nuclear bomb test. Its biggest supporter appears to be...

Weekly Commentary: What If Bernard Lewis Was Right About Nuclear Iran Welcoming Apocalypse Rather...

Weekly Commentary: What If Bernard Lewis Was Right About Nuclear Iran Welcoming Apocalypse Rather Than Seeking Deterrence? Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 1 June 2023 "mutual assured destruction, the deterrent that worked so well during the Cold War, would...

Iran ‘mapping’ Jews in diaspora for kill squads

Iran has been “mapping” the Jewish diaspora for an assassination campaign that will be triggered if Israel attacks its nuclear facilities, a Jewish woman who met Ayatollah Khamenei has told the JC. The chilling plan,...

Perspective from Azerbaijan

First of all I would like to condemn the terrorist attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran. Attack on diplomatic missions is unacceptable and the Iranian regime bears a responsibility for this.  Secondly, I also...

Appease or Confront? Western Policy Options and the Iranian Nuclear Bomb

The world’s leading powers are saying unequivocally that Iran should not obtain nuclear weapons and that they are committed to preventing that from happening. At the same time, they remain bound to the idea...

Injustices at Berkeley

From Boston to Los Angeles, what started as a trickle of outrage has cascaded into huge marches in the streets in solidarity with the long-suffering Iranian people after the Ayatollah Khamenei regime’s torture and...

Rafael Grossi Is the Last Man Standing For Nonproliferation

“Grossi is still the main obstacle to the finalization” of a nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, proclaimed Nour News, an outlet frequently used by Iran’s supreme leader for unofficial commentary. Rafael Grossi, the...