The Demons of the Farhud Pogrom are With Us Still

Salim Fattal was just eleven when the two-day Baghdad pogrom known as the Farhuderupted on Shavuot (Pentecost) 74 years ago, yet its memory is engraved deep in his soul. Despite the passage of time,...

Opinion: Morons and Traitors

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah recently slammed those criticizing him, saying: “Anyone who says anything contrary to what is said here is a moron, is blind, and a traitor. The Shi’ites of the American embassy...

Iran vs. Israel: Who’s Making the Threats?

A speech by the Israeli defense minister sets the stage for a discussion of whether Jerusalem threatens Tehran or the other way around. Daniel Pipes debated Brian Becker of ANSWER Coalition. An excerpt from the...

No Voice of Reconciliation: Khamenei Targets the West

The Supreme Leader's latest statements, harping on "unreasonable" demands, are not preparing the Iranian public for compromise. Since May 16, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has spoken publicly on three occasions, covering topics including the Yemen...

Traces of Chemical Weapons Found at Undeclared Site in Syria

Late Friday afternoon Reuters had a huge scoop. Inspectors found traces of prohibited chemical weapons at a previously undeclared site in Syria. Samples taken by experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition and Chemical Weapons...

Iranian cash? It’s already in West Bank

There has been much talk in recent days about the possible effects of the latest US concession to Iran in the nuclear negotiations. Much of it centers on Iran’s demand for the immediate lifting...

Iran Is Lying, and We Know It

If the White House doesn’t pull the plug on negotiations, Congress must. The most frustrating part for a rational observer of the P5+1 negotiations with Iran is this: There is little doubt that Iran...

Iranian Top Commander Declares Specific Redlines for Nuclear Deal

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi in a message to the country's team of negotiators on Sunday mentioned specific redlines that should receive due attention in...

Iranian Support for Palestinian Terrorism: Funds Transferred to Gazan Shaheeds’ Families by Palestinian Islamic...

Left: Al-Ansar charity association announces time and place of the distribution of funds to terrorist shaheeds' families through the post office bank in the Gaza Strip (Facebook page of the Al-Ansar charity association, April...

EXPOSED: Britain Informs UN About New Illicit Iranian Nuclear Activities While US Admin. Suppresses...

Iran deceiving the West on its nuclear program is nothing new. Today Reuters reported that Great Britain has informed a United Nations sanctions panel of the existence of an active Iranian nuclear procurement network linked...