[PR Victory For Palestinians] Pope Francis, President Peres and PA President Abbas will issue...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=63987 . Friday, 6 June 2014 Following the invitation of Pope Francis during his visit to the region: Pope Francis, President Shimon Peres and Palestinian Authority President Abbas will issue a joint call for peace at a...

Iran Celebrates Use of Rockets Supplied to Hamas

http://freebeacon.com/national-security/iran-celebrates-use-of-rockets-supplied-to-hamas/ Iranian military leaders on Monday celebrated Hamas’ use of advanced long-range rockets that were supplied to the terror group by the Iranian regime. Iran’s role in arming Hamas militants with more sophisticated artillery capable of...

Climate Change

One of the “hottest” topics gaining increasing attention these days is the phenomenon of climate change. Opinions vary as to whether it is man-made or, instead, a natural climatic cycle that has been repeated...

‘Will not allow U.S. to use our land to attack Iran’, Qatar, Kuwait say

Amid a fresh warning that Iran will attack Israel within 48 hours, the United States of America has said that Iran should not engage in any provocative actions. “They will have to respond. It is...

The Significance of the Appointment of Elliott Abrams as the Senior Director for Near...

Sometimes the Washington press corps reports a story, but entirely misses its significance. This was the case with last week's naming of Elliott Abrams to the position of senior director for Near East and...

2 Helicopters and 50 APCS

Next week, Russian President Vladimir Putin will land in Israel for an historic visit, while Russian involvement in the region, which has been criticized many times by Israel, continues at full speed. In the...

Terror leader announces start of barrage nearing Israel’s main population centers

While Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip have been contending with almost daily missile attacks, Palestinian rockets will now also be launched regularly on the other side of the country aimed at Jewish communities...

U.S. Quietly Encourages Israeli Operation

The authoritative Middle East News Line has confirmed that the United States has been quietly encouraging Israel's assault on Hizbullah. Officials said the Bush administration, after initial hesitation, has determined that the Israeli military campaign...

Baker Hamilton Report Analyzed

Her Iraq Study Group report did more than merely live down to its advance billing. Its authors are now revealed to be as intellectually deficient as they are morally malodorous. Calling these people 'realists'...

Commentary: Bush’s Backbone is Not Broken

Word came out within the last few days (which most if not all of you have already seen) regarding the fact that President Bush is considering putting 30,000 to 50,000 more troops into Iraq,...