Between the lines

The definition of reading between the lines is “to understand what someone really means or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not said openly.” The ability to discern what someone...

Abbas skirts apology for Munich attack, blames Israel for ‘Holocausts’

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas expressed no regret Tuesday for the deadly attack by Palestinian militants against Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics half a century ago, countering that Israel had committed "Holocausts" against Palestinians...


We are currently in what is commonly referred to as “the nine days” leading up to 9 Av – the Fast of Tisha B’Av. This annual commemoration of the destruction of our two Temples as...

The algebra of appeasement: 1938 and today – opinion

Throughout my youth, I retained an obsession with the history of World War II and the Holocaust. I always asked myself: “What led to the outbreak of WWII?” Of course, we all know that the...

Weekly Commentary: Defeat – Not Deter – Iran, As Deterrence Not Applicable if Bernard...

“...the United States will have to forge a common approach among its European and Middle Eastern allies, one that simultaneously deters Iran, punishes aggression and dangles rewards for peaceful behavior.” Washington Post Editorial 5 December 2021 Can Iran...

Incoming high tide warning

The high priests of climate change are predicting that in the near future we may be engulfed by rising ocean levels. Rising temperatures are certainly causing climatic extremes from severe droughts to torrential floods, ice...

The Arafat I Knew

Last week Israel seized a boat carrying 50 tons of Iranian-made mortars, long-range missiles and antitank rockets destined for the Palestinian Authority. The vessel, Karim A., is owned by the Palestinian Authority, and its...

‘The Mental Preparation for the Disengagement’ And its Aftermath in the IDF

Mental Preparation Investigation Team Ruth Eisikovitch, Dr. Gadi Eshel, Dr. Amira Dor, Boaz Haetzni, Attorney Aviad Visoli, Dr. Rachel Tassa, Dr. Moshe Libler Other Contributors: Aviatar Ben-Tzadaf, Tanah Lehavi, Hila Mordechai, Eliyahu Ackerman Translated by: Dr....

US military shifts Army basing from Qatar to Jordan in move that could provide...

The U.S. has closed sprawling bases in Qatar that once stored warehouses full of weaponry and transferred the remaining supplies to Jordan, in a move that analysts say positions Washington to deal better with...

Netanyahu: We Will Stop Iran’s Nuke Program Even at Expense of Friction with the...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sounded a defiant note on Tuesday, saying he was willing to risk the relationship with the US in order to stop Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. To read full...