The Mideast Reality Outside the Oval Office President Obama’s policies remain inconsistent with on-the-ground...

When the Obama administration banned the terms Islamic extremism and jihad from US national security documents back on April 7, 2010, the United States aired out a new approach to the war against terror....

The Nakba Obsession: The Palestinian national narrative is the biggest obstacle to peace in...

A specter is haunting the prospective Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations-the specter of the Nakba. The literal meaning of the Arabic word is “disaster”; but in its current, expansive usage, it connotes a historical catastrophe inflicted...

Daniel Schorr: An Interview for the Jewish Student Press Service on the CIA in...

REPUBLISHED IN MEMORY OF DANIEL SCHORR, WHO DIED THIS WEEK AT THE AGE OF 93 Oct. 21, 1976 WYNNEWOOD, PA (Interview followed Schorr's revelation of confidential CIA files to the US Congress) I entered the Rabbi’s study at...

Russian and Chinese Support for Tehran: Iranian Reform and Stagnation

Spring 2010, pp. 63-72 Recent years have witnessed the rise of irregular but frequently intensive opposition to U.S. global preeminence by Russia and China. In their own ways, and in pursuit of their own...

Congressman Trent Franks: Iran an Immediate Threat to Our Troops

July 22, 2010 - Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) released the following statement today following revelations by General Raymond Odierno, the United State's top commander in Iraq, that funding, supplies, and training for several insurgent...

Who’s Against a Two-State Solution? "Two states, living side by side in peace and security." This, in the words of President Barack Obama, is the solution to the century-long conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East....


July 1, 2010 Tally Helfont is an FPRI research fellow. Her research focuses on Middle East-related issues and radical Islamic movements. She also instructs training courses on behalf of K3 Enterprises in Civil Information Management to U.S. Military Civil...

CIA Chief Says Al-Qaida is Weaker. True. But So Is U.S., While Revolutionary Islamist...

= July 1, 2010 CIA chief Leon Panetta says al-Qaida is at its weakest point since before the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. He's probably right, though the amount of decline in the...

Tom Friedman’s Blood Libel of IDF Tactics against Palestinian Terrorists

Columnist Tom Friedman , in the June 27 edition of the New York Times, updates a medieval blood libel against Jews by comparing the tactics of Israel's defense forces in counter-terrorism operations to...

Ehud Barak’s Theater of the Absurd

There was no need to endanger Israeli troops. How could Ehud Barak not see the looming disaster? Stopping a large Gaza-bound ship could have been carried out below the waterline, or by an assault on...