Commentary: Terrifying Times…

These are difficult times; no, terrifying times. And so I find I must call upon my readers once and again to be activist -- to move beyond just reading what I write, and to...

Commnentary: An Alert…

This comes in the nature of an alert, focusing on two related issues of primary significance for the security of Israel, the US, and the western world. Those two issues are retaining a US presence...

David Bedein’s coverage of Israel for the Evening Bulletin of Philadelphia, August-October, 2006

10/24/06 Seven Armed Palestinian Terrorists Killed In Gaza The IDF fire resulted in the death of Atta Fuad Shanbari, the commander of the Popular Resistance Committees in the northern Gaza Strip, and six others. Israeli...


The statements that were made on Thursday by the French commander of UNIFIL troops, Major General Alain Pellegrini, that he was awaiting orders on the use of UNIFIL troops, including instructions to intercept Israeli...

Israel launches dialogue with the Saudis

ISRAEL, SAUDIS BEGIN DIALOGUE ON REGION The government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has launched a dialogue with Saudi Arabia to ensure stability in the Middle East. Western diplomatic sources said Olmert, with the help...

Congresswoman: Safeguard American aid to Abbas

The United States must provide safeguards to ensure American weapons and financial aid reportedly being given to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Force 17 personal security detail do not wind up in the possession...

To Condi; Who is Humiliating Whom?

On October 11, 2006 in a Keynote Address to the American Task Force on Palestine, Secretary Condoleezza Rice claimed that Palestinian Arabs feel "daily humiliation of occupation." Palestinians say they feel humiliated and harassed...

Israel – The American Interest

The question of whether Israel is or is not an asset to the United States is one we rarely bother to ask ourselves. Time and again, we see prominent Americans -- presidents of the...

Bush Administration Commits Weapons to Terror Group

Members of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Force 17 security detail are "praying to Allah" the insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq continues and that American soldiers are returned to their homes in body...

President al-Assad Gives an Interview to Kuwaiti Newspaper of al-Anba

With regard to the possibility of war with Israel for the restoration of occupied Golan, the president said: "Syria expects an Israeli aggression at any time, and Syria knows that Israel has a powerful...