Inside the Palestinian Authority Media: The Baghdad-Ramallah Connection

For months, the Palestinian Authority has tried to play down its support for Iraq. PA approval for the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his efforts to conceal weapons of mass destruction from...

U.S. Firms on List Aided Iraq Arms Development

United Nations -- Iraq's 12,000-page declaration of its weapons programs lists American companies that provided materials used by Baghdad to develop chemical and biological weapons in the 1980s, according to a senior Iraqi official. The...

Leaked Report Says German and US Firms Supplied Arms to Saddam

Baghdad's uncensored report to UN names Western companies alleged to have developed its weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's 11,000-page report to the UN Security Council lists 150 foreign companies, including some from America, Britain, Germany...

Saddam and Al Qaida

Despite their bitter divisions over possible war in Iraq, doves and many hawks on this side of the Atlantic share a common, often-stated belief: that there is "no evidence" of a link between Osama...

The Significance of the Appointment of Elliott Abrams as the Senior Director for Near...

Sometimes the Washington press corps reports a story, but entirely misses its significance. This was the case with last week's naming of Elliott Abrams to the position of senior director for Near East and...

Former PM Ehud Barak Speaks at UC Berkley

Security was tight at UC Berkley for the Barak speech. The San Francisco Bay Area has a reputation for being an area with a lot of anti-semitic sentiment which is euphemistically termed "anti-Zionism". This is...

The Question No Candidate in the Israeli Elections Wants to Answer: Must Israel End...

This article was written by a veteran American correspondent based in Israel who asked that his name not be used. Israeli politicians love to talk and the rhetoric during the current campaign for Knesset elections...

War without death: The Pentagon Promotes a Vision of Combat as Bloodless and Antiseptic

Leon Daniel, like others who reported from Vietnam during the 1960s, knew about war and death. So he was puzzled by the lack of corpses at the tip of the Neutral Zone between Saudi...

General Assembly of Jewish Federations Gathers in Philadelphia Under a Cloud of War

It is difficult for any large organization to switch gears. The United Jewish Communities The UJC of North America, which comprises all major Jewish organizations in North America, gathers this week for its annual "General...

Where Does the Money Go? A Study of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority: Where Does the Money Go? The following is an examination of how the PA, led by Yasser Arafat, has systemically and systematically used corruption and crime, and diverted funds donated for the...