Witness to Terror: Watching the World Trade Center Implode and Listening to Security Sources...

The terror at the Twin Towers caught me in Lower Manhattan, where I was giving briefings on how the PLO, the seemingly legitmated peace partner with Israel, had incorporated the Hamas and Islamic Jihad...

Sharon and Katsav Refuse to Help Pollard

Israel succeeded in obtaining a pardon for Marc Rich, a billionaire fugitive from the law who never spent a day in prison. Israel even bailed Goussinsky out of his troubles with the Soviet Union,...

Israel and the Jews in the Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority

Introduction What concepts and perceptions of Israel and the Jews has the Palestinian Authority taught Arab children in its territory since the adoption of the Oslo agreements? Can these perceptions and ideas serve as the...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March.8th. Official PLO Denial of...

Summary and Analysis V.O.P. went out of its way to deny or to discount various reports on Israeli state radio and television that supposedly indicated the Sharon Government's reaching out for contacts with the...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March 6th

Summary and Analysis On the second day of the Feast of the Sacrifice, V.O.P. gave slight news coverage and interviewing, but expanded generally on several themes it has been broaching recently: broad condemnations of Israeli war...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March.5th. The PLO Non-Reaction to...

Summary and Analysis The Voice of Palestine began its special Feast of Sacrifice ('Eid al-Adha) programming with prayers and sermon from the Al-Aqsa, including a call from the mosque sheikh "to liberate Jerusalem" and...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio, March 1-2.V.O.P. Reacts...

Summary & Analysis In its Thursday and Friday broadcasts, V.O.P. has been almost mono-maniacally fixated on Israeli comments portending possible military action inside PA territory. Various PA ministers have-following the lead of Presidential Secretary Ta'ib...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: Tuesday February 27th...

Summary and Analysis The Palestinian Authority is charging Israel with "unprecedented escalations," even as its broadcast arm, V.O.P., appears to be readying the Palestinian population for a still-worse escalation, perhaps even Israeli invasion. In one of...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 27th

Summary and Analysis In the aftermath of the visit of Colin Powell, both the Palestinian Authority and Israel agree on one thing: there has been an escalation of organized physical violence and verbal exhortation and...

Official PA radio news: Not to Open Fire on Israeli Targets from Inside. P.B.C....

Friday Afternoon Summary and Analysis, February 23 In its Friday 4 p.m. afternoon broadcast, V.O.P. relayed the instructions of the Fatah movement not to open fire on Israeli targets from inside residential areas. As in...