Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 26. The...

Summary and Analysis Powell Welcomed with Threats Against the backdrop of the visit of Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Palestinian Authority renewed its demand that the United States take a greater role in Palestinian-Israeli talks...


Friday Summary and Analysis In its Friday broadcasts, V.O.P. continued several major trends that have emerged during the week: emphasizing the brutal and "CRIMINAL" escalation by Israel that is killing Palestinian civilians and decimating the Palestinian...

Libelous Allegations Against Israel in the Palestinian Authority

Libels, lies, and false accusations against Israel and Jews are frequent, prominent components of the Palestinian leadership's public discourse and in the Palestinian media. Suha Arafat's accusation, made while standing next to Hillary Clinton,...

Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) February 22nd. French Hill –...

Summary and Analysis - Jerusalem Escalation V.O.P. broke new ground today in its description of the shooting attack on a driver at the French Hill junction. It twice described the man as a "settler" using...

Official PA radio news P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 18th

Summary and Analysis, Sunday February 18 Moving into its Sunday coverage, The Voice of Palestine re-affirmed and extended reportage on three matters likely to affect regional picture in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf: Improved Palestinian...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio, February 16-17. Featuring...

Summary and Analysis After the air-strikes in Iraq, both Israeli and American-Anglo "aggression" were feature items on V.O.P. Saturday. In the 7 p.m. news bulletin, reaction to the Iraqi air-strike-highlighting criticism of American-British aggression-was longer...

Official Fatah Website Editorial: A Storm in a Broken Cup

Even during the most dangerous wars in 1967, in 1973 and during the Zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982, nobody held his breath as the whole area is doing now while waiting for Sharon...

Official PA radio news — 12th February, 2001

Summary and Analysis V.O.P. justified the murder of the Israeli driver Tzahi Sasson last night near the Jerusalem-Bethlehem by-pass tunnel, when it announced at the opening of its 8 a.m. morning news that the dead...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: Saunday Afternoon February...

Israel Election Preview on V.O.P. On Monday night and Tuesday morning, V.O.P. ushered in the Israeli elections-with a sharp escalation of anti-Sharon rhetoric and emphasis on a military escalation in the Gaza Strip alongside the...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 3-4

Special Item - PA Announcement - Saturday Night, February 3, 2001 9:10 p.m. "An official spokesman for the Ministry of Information announced that what has been published in the newspapers and in the media regarding...