[Close but no cigar]An Nahar: American project for Security Council resolution to make Gaza...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64765 [Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: "any process to resolve the situation in Gaza in a permanent and meaningful manner must ultimately lead to the establishment of the Gaza Strip as an area free of any armed...

Trump & Netanyahu: How to interpret their summit?

Preliminary note To edit and correct a scientific model one must make predictions and see how close to reality they come. This is why, before Donald Trump took his oath of office, we made public...

Turkish takeover in Jerusalem

The fireworks and fanfare of the Jerusalem liberation jubilee have shoved under the radar a blockbuster expose about the unruly situation in east Jerusalem. Alarm bells should be ringing about the nefarious intensifying involvement...

The “Al-Aksa Is in Danger” Libel: The History of a Lie

Palestinians often hear from their leaders that a Muslim holy site in Jerusalem, al-Aksa mosque, is in danger of collapse – and the Jews are to blame. Whether printed in cartoons, preached in mosques...

REPORT: Biden Administration Grants Iran Billions in New Sanctions Relief

The Biden administration is reportedly unfreezing billions in new sanctions relief for Iran. This move comes just a month after three U.S. soldiers were killed in drone attacks carried out by Iran-backed militias. The Obama administration was known...

Beyond Words

The first revelations were reported on the evening of April 10, 1997. The partially decomposed body of Staff Sgt. Sharon Edri was unearthed in the Arab village of Tzurif by the IDF. Sharon Edri,...

The Unclean Side of Daimler-Benz

West Lafayette, Indiana, May 17, 1998. I speak for all those who can no longer speak for themselves. I speak for those endless railway cars of Jewish slave laborers whose seemingly inexhaustible supply in...

Shas MK, Rafael Pinhasi

IMRA interviewed Shas MK Rafael Pinhasi, in Hebrew, on June 28. IMRA: In 1993 the coalition agreement signed between Shas and Labor stated that in "any contractual peace agreement involving a relinquishment of territory which...

Is Ariel Sharon the Scion of King David or King Saul?

Hebron, (May 23, 2001) Last night Prime Minister Ariel Sharon answered questions following his dramatic press conference, announcing Israeli acceptance and compliance with the Mitchell Report. One of the final questions dealt with'settler security.' Sharon...

The Fatah Website: “A Strategy of Peace”

With thanks to IMRA for posting this. The Declaration of Principles (D.O.P.), i.e. the Oslo Accord, signed in 1993, introduced a strategy of peace between the P.L.O. and the government of Israel. The agreement did...