Rumors Spread by the Official Palestinian Authority Media that Jews Are Plotting to Take...

From Sunday May 8 through Tuesday May 10, the Palestinian Authority (PA) media emphasized the "threat of an attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque" and the threat of "the polluting of the holy Jerusalem shrine" (Arabic:...

Denying History

DENYING HISTORY, Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman, DENYING HISTORY. U of california Press, Berkley, 2005. Forward by Arthur Hertzberg, who passed away last week. To explain why the holocaust never happened, here are some guidelines: Attack...

How young can a Rabbi be?

Photo by: Rhonda Spivak Fourteen-year-old Moshe Sharify, a quiet, pious and extremely gifted child, desperately wants to become a rabbi. However, an unofficial ruling doesn’t allow this. Fourteen-year-old boy wonder Moshe Raziel Sharify, who lives with...

The Palestinian Authority Does Not Meet UNESCO Standards authority-does-not-meet-unesco-standards/ After the vote of 193 UNESCO member countries, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education published today an interim report containing a preliminary summary of the findings of an extensive...

Israel’s South Surviving Next Round of Gaza Rockets

A rocket war rages in the south of Israel as more than 200 rockets have been fired at urban areas since Friday afternoon, following Israel's killing of the leader of the Popular Resistance Committee...

The Beit HaMachpela Expulsion Orders: Hypocrisy at its worst Simultaneously, they received an eviction order from the Civil Administration, that being the extended arm of the Defense Minister in Hebron, ordering that the building be abandoned by three o’clock tomorrow afternoon. The only...

George Jonas: Relief agencies, now and then A reader wants to know what bothers me about UN relief agencies, such as UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees. “After all,” he writes, “in your memoir you mention...

Sheikh Sabri: Buraq Wall is a part of Al-Aqsa Mosque Al Qassam website- Occupied Jerusalem- Sheikh Dr. Ikrima Sa'id Sabri, head of the Supreme Islamic Council and the Al Aqsa Mosque preacher, stressed that the western wall of Al Aqsa Mosque was not and...

From Mein Kampf to The Saudi Plan: 100 Years of Dhimmitude?

The writer has been involved in regional projects in cooperation in public health for the past 25 years, and is now investigating the effects of incitement in promoting genocide Press Reports hint that Sectretary of...

Genesis of an anti-Semitic state

This week, a Global Forum Against Anti -Semitism will convene in Jerusalem The time has come for the Global Forum to consider the fact that a new anti-semitic state is now in formation. Imagine, if you...