CANADA’S MINISTER PETER KENT PROTESTED TO PA FOREIGN MINISTER ABOUT PA INCITEMENT AGAINST ISRAEL’S__MINISTER_PETER__KENT__PROTESTED_TO_PA_FOREIGN_MINISTER_ABOUT__PA_INCITEMENT_AGAINST_ISRAEL Peter Kent, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas) Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Rhonda Spivak went to Deheishe Palestinian Refugee Camp in Bethlehem on August 11, 2010 and photographed this mural of a female suicide bomber...

Anti-Semitism in Newton (MA) Schools

Below is my account of the developing scandal at the Newton public schools. For months a group of Jewish parents and community members has asked the school board for copies of the curriculum, texts...

Abbas at the UN: Decoding the Babble Mahmoud Abbas - putative president of the Palestinian Authority - addressed the UN General Assembly on Thursday, focusing on the negotiations between the PA and Israel. How eminently reasonable was the tone he attempted...

Examination of the names of Palestinians killed in Operation Protective Edge – Part Three* Child or adult terrorist? Ibrahim Jamal Nasr, Fatah / Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist operative ( On the Palestinian Health Ministry’s lists he appears as a boy of 13, but he is actually 26. The findings...

Cakes and Coffee: Genocide in Jerusalem

I sit in a room of academics. Their heads constantly moving. At first they were nodding in agreement with the speaker, now however they bob back and forth to stay awake. A collective frustration...

JERUSALEM, D.C….writes Michael Kuttne

Jerusalem, David’s Capital, has seen many spectacles in its three thousand years history. Not since the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon however have we witnessed such an outpouring of flattery. In order...

Hypocrites of the world unite

“Hypocrites are those who apply to others the standards that they refuse to accept for themselves.” This quote more than adequately sums up the current international response to Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim) and the latest...

Antisemitic Reaction to Inclusion of Ariel University in Committee of University Heads

14.07.22 Editorial Note In May 2021, IAM reported on the "Committee of University Heads’ Complexities with Ariel University." At the time, the Committee of University Heads (VERA) debated whether to admit Ariel University to its ranks....

What We Know About Shooting of Palestinian Doctor This Morning

Today, a palestinian Arab doctor was reportedly among those killed during a shootout between IDF troops and palestinian Arab terrorists in Jenin. Other reports have him as seriously injured. Either way, the haters are already...

Intelligence Reveals Details of U.N. Agency Staff’s Links to Oct. 7 Attack

At least 12 employees of the U.N.’s Palestinian refugee agency had connections to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel and around 10% of all of its Gaza staff have ties to Islamist militant groups, according to...