Islamic Jihad Planning Mass-Casualty Attacks in Israel

Islamic Jihad has recruited both Palestinians and Israelis for a series of major strikes in Israel. The first attack, the bombing of a bus in the Tel Aviv suburb of Bat Yam in December...

When is Incitement “Incitement ? Soon after Adolph S. Ochs purchased The New York Times in 1896, he pledged “to write intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion.” His firm commitment was bolstered with a new motto for the...

Pro-Iran Shadow Lobby Launches Bid to Kill Iran Sanctions A network of pro-Iran advocates are uniting behind a new campaign aimed at killing bipartisan legislation meant to increase sanctions on Tehran should it cheat on a recently inked nuclear accord. The latest bid to...

Multiplying Efforts to Undermine the Unique Status of Mecca in Islam The status of the Islamic holy places or, more precisely, the undermining of their status, has become part of the struggle over the nature of the Middle East. The Sunnis destroy sites that are...

U.S. Fiddles while Palestinians in Syria Starve As for the international community, no one seems to be worried about the starving Palestinians in an Arab country. After all, this is not taking place in Israel and no Israelis are involved. The plight...

Iran has renewed funding to a Palestinian militia

Palestinian sources said Iran has resumed funding to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, with offices in Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and West Bank. They said Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps...

Secret Palestinian report warns of danger of new intifada,7340,L-4472326,00.html A secret report by one of the Palestinian security services - obtained by Ynet - paints a worrying picture of a possible explosion in terror in the West Bank in the coming year. The...

Why the Israeli-Palestinian Agreement Is Absurd It makes sense that the Israel-Palestinian agreement is being made with Obama and Kerry in charge. The deal offers a kind of neo-mandate, with an American presence entrenched in the Jordan Valley for the...

Five Takeaways from the ASA Debacle What should we learn from the American Studies Association’s lopsided December 15 vote to endorse the anti-Israel boycott? Here are five takeaways: 1.- The Jewish Community Got Beat There is no question about it. The American...

Health and Safety in the Workplace – writes Michael Kuttner Australia and New Zealand have extensive legislation in place to make sure that sound practices are enforced as far as protecting workers and others. Perhaps the time has come for these two countries to offer...