Abbas Refused Offer to Resettle Refugees in Sinai Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz PA President Mahmoud Abbas has refused an offer by a senior Egyptian official to resettle “Palestinian refugees” in the Sinai, according to a report in the Middle East Monitor on Monday. According...

UNRWA at WAR: An examination of UNRWA statements and actions during the Israeli-Hamas conflict...

June 27 through August 23 ________________________ As UNRWA statements and actions are reviewed, certain factors become readily evident: UNRWA, which has a mandate to function as a humanitarian relief organization, consistently and inappropriately politicizes its positions. That politicization...

Jerusalem: A city of tension and unity

Israel marks 48 years since the reunification of Jerusalem, and there is no going back • Despite the incidents of terrorism and violence depicted in the media, Jews and Arabs live and work together...

The Truth About Settlement Growth

On Monday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon predictably assailed Israel’s announced decision to build 800 new apartments in Ma’aleh Adumim and eastern Jerusalem. He noted that just four days earlier, the Middle East Quartet (i.e....

Column: Child Abuse, ‘Palestine’-Style

Quoth BBC journalist Anjana Gadgil, “Israeli forces are happy to kill children.” Said Amr Khamour, 14, “I wished for martyrdom and I received it.” If Israelis are indeed “happy to kill children,” they have an all-too-willing...

Arafat’s Policies Disastrous

Editor's note: Edward Said, who lives in New York and teaches at Coumbia University is among the most well known Palestinian personalities alive. Said's books and essays are now banned by the "Palestinian Authority"...

Al-Ahram: Egypt’s Options, Lutfi El-Kholi

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly, 2nd - 8th July, 1998 Forging News Alliances by Dina Ezzat Dina Ezzat explores Egypt's options beyond a defunct...

Hatred Goes to Summer Camp

This is part of the material presented by Minister of Communications Limor Livnat at the July 1 cabinet meeting. #1 Article On Summer Camps In Khan Yunis - 7 July 1998 a. Boy sings: "I came to...

Arafat Health Scare Puts Peace Process in Jeopardy

Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, is suffering from Parkinson's disease, according to a report compiled by Israeli military intelligence. He is receiving treatment for symptoms of tremor and muscular rigidity but shows no sign...