Message delivered by Mayor of Efrat, Oded Ravivi to AFL, American Friends Of Likud

Message delivered by Mayor of Efrat, Oded Ravivi to AFL, American Friends Of Likud, on June 29, 2020. At 7:41-8:51, Oded referenced "preliminary conditions" that the Trump plan requires of the PLO , The Palestine...

Why Does Syria Want The Golan Back From Israel?

FIRST Published: FRIDAY, MARCH 05, 2010 JERUSALEM - The Israeli army conquered the Western slopes of the Golan Heights on the last day of the 1967 war, at the insistence of the resident’s council of Israel’s...

Torat HaMelech: Preventing the Public from Examining a Book

Our agency received the book, Torat HaMelech, for review, more than a year ago. We read Torat HaMelech and concluded that this was a compendium of Rabbinical opinions about how to cope with non-...

Scanned PA school book material, translated by Dr. Arnon Groiss

What follows are scanned Palestinian Authority schoolbooks, currently in use in the school system of the Palestinian Authority schools, the UNRWA schools, and the Arab schools in Jerusalem..Each book appears in a separate file....

Government House Jerusalem – Briefing Paper As To Status

BACKGROUND TO THE PRESENCE OF BRITAIN IN ERETZ YISRAEL After ruling vast areas of Eastern Europe, South-western Asia, and North Africa for centuries, the Ottoman Empire lost all its Middle East territories in World War One. The...

How a Former Official of Israeli Intelligence,Yossi Ginosar, Managed a Secret Account for Arafat

While the office doors of prime ministers were opened to him, while he walked around Camp David with Mohammed Rashid and took part in peace negotiations, Yossi Ginosar was involved in managing the PA's...

Norwegian Labor Party Youth Movement (AUF) Demands that Ariel Sharon and Other Israeli Leaders...

The Norwegian Israel Center (NIS) is a voluntary politically independent documentation and resource center that works at promoting a more balanced view towards Israel, and therefore fights antisemitism. At the same time, we try...

Smotrich Enables Lease for Life to “PAY FOR SLAY”.

This week, a news story rocked the media: The new Israel Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich cut Israel funds to the PA , commensurate with the amount of funds that the PLO grants to those...

Jews in Germany – “an uncomfortable existence” _JEWS__IN__GERMANY_%E2%80%93_AN_UNCOMFORTABLE_EXISTENCE_ [ Editor's note: The writer of this very thoughtful piece contacted me as a result of my article on the book I Sleep in Hitler's Room. IN_HITLER'S_ROOM:_U.S._JEWISH_AUTHOR_DISCOVERS_ALARMING_AMOUNT_OF_ANTI-SEMITISM_STILL_EXISTS_IN_GERMANY . I am very grateful that...

Hidden Script Uncovered in Fragments of The Dead Sea Scrolls

An Israel Antiquities Authority researcher examined scroll fragments with the aid of advanced imaging equipment at the Dead Sea Scrolls’ conservation labs, and was thrilled to discover letters that are invisible to the naked...