The Moral Imperative to Refuse an Immoral or Illegal Military Order in Israel

The statement of “Jewish Home” political leader Naftali Bennet about his refusal to carry out orders to demolidh Jewish or Arab communities must be placed in proper perspecrtive. Israelis one of the few nations which...

Israel and the New Geopolitics of Energy

Israel had an “oil problem” at birth.  In 1947, the American oil industry lobbied against the partition of Palestine for fear of alienating Saudi Arabia.  The oil embargo imposed by OPEC in 1973 seriously...

International court of justice

Proceedings instituted by South Africa against  the State of Israel on 29 December 2023 (South Africa v. Israel)   Co-Agent’s Opening Statement   Dr. Tal Becker (30 minutes)    Madame President, Distinguished Members of the Court,   It is an honor to appear before you...

Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7

At first, she was known simply as “the woman in the black dress.” In a grainy video, you can see her, lying on her back, dress torn, legs spread, vagina exposed. Her face is burned...

We have returned to the Temple Mount: A survey of Jewish Presence on the...

F. M. LOEWENBERG is a professor emeritus at Bar-Ilan-University in Israel. He was born in Germany and now lives, together with his wife, in Efrat, a town 22 kilometers south of Jerusalem. At the...

Peace Watch

PEACE WATCH functioned 1993- 2000, monitoring Oslo peace process implementation PEACE WATCH documents relevant 2021: Oslo Process guides all middle east policies. See the documents  

Investigation Into COGAT and Israel Corporate Sector Complicit Operations in the PA, especially in...

Israeli corporations have a de facto monopoly on the provision of supplies to Gaza and other PA areas. The ability of these corporations to sustain their exclusive control of this multi-billion dollar market is wholly dependent...

Saudi Wahhabis call for the destruction of Shia shrine in Syria Amid an escalation of the terrorist attacks on citizens and government buildings in the Syrian capital Damascus, the extremist Wahhabi clerics in Saudi Arabia have called for the destruction of holy shrine of Lady...

Why the ADL abandoned Antisemitism and went woke

In 2018, the ADL announced that it was no longer in the ‘kindness’ business. “Forget Kindness. Schools Need to Foster Social Justice,” Jinnie Spiegler, the ADL’s curriculum director, barked. By three years old, Spiegler claimed white...