Abbas Condemned Terror in English, for Jews in New York, But not in Arabic,...

This past Tuesday morning, Palestinian Authority (PA) foreign minister Riad Malki announced on the Voice of Israel Radio that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas would meet with Jewish community representatives in New York during his...

Palestinian Corruption — Again If the Palestinian movement believes it lives outside the laws of politics, nature and economics, it may be right. The PA and Hamas occupy a split territory with two feuding governments -- both dictatorships with...

Herzog treats Abbas as if Palestinian leader a savage? Israel's Herzog calls for 'brave' steps in peace talks Published yesterday (updated) 02/12/2013 18:32 RAMALLAH (AFP) -- Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog said Sunday he would push the government to take "brave" steps in US-brokered peace...

When Iran Ruled Jerusalem

Although the threat of a nuclear Iran is currently Israel’s most pressing security issue, there was a time when the Jews of Jerusalem welcomed the invading Persian army as their savior. The story begins at...

Rockets and tunnels: Hamas preparing for next conflict,7340,L-4480523,00.html The long period of relative quiet since Operation Pillar of Defense has been slowly dissolving into rocket fire, which reached its peak this week when the Islamic Jihad fired rockets at Ashkelon in the...

Analysis by Rachel Avraham: Donor Nations Must Reform UNRWA Jews are "the wolf"Photo Credit: Channel 2 Since Israel’s War of Independence, millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees have been living across the Middle East in the surrounding Arab host countries, especially in Jordan, Lebanon,...

Good News: Worst UN Candidates Defeated in Race to Replace Richard Falk¬oc=1 We have just learned that following UN Watch's campaign exposing and opposing the most biased candidates vying to replace the outgoing Richard Falk -- as the UN's permanent investigator on "Israel's violations of the...


Following publication of “The role of UNRWA in preparing their students for war” in the April 4th edition of Israel Resource Review, The UNRWA press spokesperson, Christopher Gunness, issued a statement that challenge to the...

Israel Braces For Palestinian Attacks

Israel's military has been bracing for a Palestinian insurgency campaign. The Israeli military has intensified exercises and other operations to help prevent the outbreak of a Palestinian revolt in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The Israel...

On Middle East Visit, Pope Will Find a Diminished Christian Population In preparation for the pope's visit this weekend, a man cleans a church courtyard in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Thursday. Zuma Press. BETHLEHEM, West Bank-At the Church of the Nativity, triumphal banners...