Entrance to UNWRA's Aida Palestinian Refugee Camp near Bethlehem, with key representing the right of return that says "not for Sale" photo by Rhonda spivak Mural of a former Palestinian village (as it was in 1948)...

HELEN THOMAS REVEALS ALL IN PLAYBOY INTERVIEW- N0, SHE’S NOT NUDE,_SHE%E2%80%99S_NOT_NUDE David Hochman ‘s recent interview of Helen Thomas in Playboy Magazine is definitely worth a read. Thomas had to “resign” from Hearst Newspapers on June 7 after she was asked by Rabbi David Nesenoff in...

Israeli Leaders; Renew Targeted Killings of Terrorists

Commentary from David Bedein: In March 2004, Israel announced that it killed Hamas leader, Ahmed Yassin Israel paid no price in terms of bad public relations for that act, despite the close relationship that Yassin...

The Gaddafi Precedent

There are many reasons to be worried about the bridge-leap the Obama Administration has just undertaken in its war with Muamar Gaddafi. How it will all end is just one of them. What I find...

“J Street is involved in a purimshpiel, hiding its real anti-Israel face behind a...

Knesset Debates J Street's "Pro-Israel" Bona Fides My Statement to the Committee . The following is the English translation of Knesset testimony presented to the Knesset Committee on Immigration and Diaspora Affairs on Wednesday, March 23, 2011...

Hamas: Beersheva and Ashdod “settlements” hit in attack: “Grad rockets hit Israel as initial...

With thanks to for locating this important and newsworthy press release Al Qassam website- In response to Al Shijaiya massacre committed by Israeli occupation and caused of killing 4 Palestinian civilians, including children, Palestinian resistance factions...

Israeli Cabinet Minister Edelstein ask CEO of Facebook to drop Third Palestinian Intifada page

MK YULI YOEL EDELSTEIN MINISTER OF PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND DIASPORA AFFAIRS To Mr. Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Founder and CEO Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, During these past few days a Facebook page entitled "Third Palestinian Intifada" has been garnering attention on the web...

Israeli government has now acted to remove PA school books from the Jerusalem curriculum.

In July, 2010, We reported on a Knesset hearing concerning the use of Palestinian Authority school books in Jerusalem: HOW COME ISRAEL FORGOT TO REMOVE INCITEMENT FROM PA TEXTBOOKS IN EAST JERUSALEM ? Israeli government has...

Technology from Israel can make Tokyo safe from fallout in 3 weeks

Making Cities Impervious to Nuclear Fallout And Containment of Nuclear Disasters Jerusalem, Israel - March 16, 2011 - Strategic Solutions today announced new technologies to contain radioactive substances released by nuclear power plant disasters. The Fukushima Diiachi...

J Street in Jerusalem

JStreet, an organization that tries to influence American policy and promote a 2 state resolution of the on the Israeli/Arab war, has spawned a branch in Jerusalem, JStreetU. JStreetU aims to educate foreign college students...