Rewriting the Six Day War

A Dr. Gabriel Glickman analysis published this week by BESA, the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, criticized politicized historians and commentators having taken post-Six Day War statements, some of them carelessly worded, out of...

The Flip Side of the Western Wall Crisis

The Israeli government’s decision on Sunday to freeze a much-touted compromise on the Western Wall, which would have created a non-Orthodox prayer space equal in status to the existing Orthodox area, sparked numerous warnings...

Until we meet again

Listening to the inane babble emanating from politicians and international groups following the so-called Gaza ceasefire reminds me of the opening lines of the song made famous by Dame Vera Lynn during the blitz. “We’ll...

Investigative Report: Green Olive Tours Promotes Palestinian Maximalist Claims Not In Accord with Any... Before signing up to go a tour of Bethlehem and Hebron in the Palestinian territories given by Green Olive Tours, I had concerns about how they would portray the Israeli -Palestinian conflict. Now after...

International Dead Sea Life Photo Competition

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and Israeli photographer Noam Bedein is on a mission to keep the Dead Sea alive. He has opened the first-ever International Dead Sea Life Photo Competition...

Qatar’s terror funding makes it more foe than friend to U.S., critics say Qatar has simultaneously been championed as a Western ally in the fight against terror and criticized as the Middle East's chief enabler of radical jihad. It may have found a way to be both,...

Russian and Chinese Support for Tehran: Iranian Reform and Stagnation

Spring 2010, pp. 63-72 Recent years have witnessed the rise of irregular but frequently intensive opposition to U.S. global preeminence by Russia and China. In their own ways, and in pursuit of their own...

Murderers, Not Freedom Fighters

The name Samuel Milshevsky means nothing to Israelis. He was an ordinary man who immigrated to Israel from Estonia in 2001 and lived alone in a small apartment in Herzliya. In November 2002, a...

Alert: Egyptian blanket denial that smuggling tunnels exist from Sinai into Gaza Strip undermines...

Alert: Egyptian blanket denial that smuggling tunnels exist from Sinai into Gaza Strip undermines any program hinging on Egyptian security cooperation. Dr. Aaron Lerner, 22 January 2023 With some Gazans spending a fortune today to leave the...

Witness to Terror: Watching the World Trade Center Implode and Listening to Security Sources...

The terror at the Twin Towers caught me in Lower Manhattan, where I was giving briefings on how the PLO, the seemingly legitmated peace partner with Israel, had incorporated the Hamas and Islamic Jihad...