Is Israel an apartheid state?

Is Israel an apartheid state?

The Case of the Stolen Children from Yemen – Part 11: A Mother and...

In the same week that four graves were opened, Tzila Levine arrived in Israel. Mrs. Levine came from Sacramento, California with the thought that she may have been taken from her original family and...

Ein Karem

My name is Shulie Mishkin and I am a tour guide in Israel. This column will be an opportunity to explore places and people in the land. Welcome! This week let’s visit the beautiful village...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – December 30, 2023

Dr. Mordecai Kedar: Analysis: How the US elections will impact on Israel

Dr. Mordecai Kedar: Analysis: How the US elections will impact on Israel *** CURRICULUM VITAE Summary BA: 1982, Arabic and Political Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. PhD: 1998, Arabic, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Areas of Research: Islam, Islamic Movements, gender issues in...

EDITOR’S REPORT FROM JERICHO-20 YEARS AFTER OSLO: THE REFUGEE CAMP, CASINO, CALIPH AND UNKNOWN...,_CASINO,_CALIPH_AND_UNKNOWN_PALACE As my Arab driver Faisal from East Jerusalem drove through the entrance to Jericho this past winter, I reminded myself that this oasis was the first city that came under the Palestinian Authority when...

Book review – Heidemarie Wawrzyn’s Nazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948

Gil ZoharRehov Yoel Moshe Salomon 7Nachalat Shiva, JerusalemIsrael 94633 Nazis in Palestine 1933-1948 recounts the demise of the Palästina-DeutscheHeidemarie WawrzynNazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948Walter de Gruyter GmbH Berlin / Bostonthe Vidal Sassoon International Center...

Rabbi Benarroch ‘S Sephardic Journey- Continuation Of Limmud

Rabbi Benarroch and the author, Aidan Fishman /article_detail.cfm?id=1350&sec=2& title=RABBI_BENARROCH_'S_ SEPHARDIC_JOURNEY-_ CONTINUATION_OF_LIMMUD On June 19th, respected Israeli rabbi and local son Yosef Benarroch gave a presentation in the Kanee Foyer at the Rady Centre as part of Winnipeg’s nascent but...


When Irshad Manji, a courageous Canadian Muslim liberal and open critic of Islam was speaking with another reformist Muslim at an event this past December in Amsterdam, 22 male Islamic jihadists burst into the...

INTO THE FRAY: Law Enforcement in Israel – Something to Worry About

Confidence in Israel’s justice system, once so high, has slumped, and the time has come for the system to stop blaming everyone but itself. – Prof. Yuval Elbashan, in  Justice – The public’s loss of trust,...