Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Radio Broadcasts; Dec. 27

Summary and Analysis VOP reported that the Palestinian Leadership-the Executive Committee of the PLO-would discuss the American plan some more this evening, with a view to giving a response soon. Throughout the day there were hints...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 29th -‘Eid al-Fitr (Feast Ending...

Summary and Analysis VOP featured a fiery mosque speech from Sheikh Youssef Abu Sneina at the Al Aqsa Mosque. (see below) NOTE: This is the same Sheikh Abu Sneina who has been regularly featured on...

Official PA radio news – . P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 14th...

Quote of the Day "And I believe that in a civilized world Sharon would be brought before an international tribunal for crimes against humanity. If he were Milosovic or Pinochet or even Heidar who was...

Iranian airlift sends more arms to Hezbollah – via Damascus Int’l Airport

Iran has transfered hundreds of tons of weapons, ammunition and other materials to the Hezbollah through Syria in recent days, according to reliable sources. The deliveries were airlifted in by giant Antonov 124 transport...

Arafat Negotiates with Hamas

Will Have to Compromise With Hamas Yedioth Ahronoth (p. B9) by Roni Shaked -- Gaza, unlike the West Bank, is a powder-keg for Arafat too. Hamas has been flourishing, especially in the past few months,...

What is the Basis for the Legal Status of Israel and the Settlements

Moshe Negbi, a well-known legal commentator for the Ma'ariv daily as well as for Kol Yisrael radio, was interviewed here last week. One of the subjects discussed was the legality or lack thereof of...

Seize The Moment

Israel now has a rare opportunity to turn world public opinion around in its direction and to take diplomatic and military action that it has refrained from taking until now for fear of international...

President Arafat: “Israel continues to violate International Legitimacy Resolutions”

Arafat: "Israel continues to violate the International Legitimacy Resolutions" Doha/Qatar October 10th Wafa (Official Palestine News Agency), President Yasser Arafat emphasized today, the importance of materializing the alert status of the International community and...

Does the Palestinian Authority official media prepare their people for war against the US?

It would indeed seem that the official Palestinian Authority media has been increasing their enmity toward the United States. The sentiment could be seen particularly during the sermons broadcast on PA radio and television. On...

Does Arafat have an American Insurance Policy??

It is safe to assume that Yasser Arafat did not wait last night anxiously for the decision of the Israeli political echelon, which convened in the Prime Minister's Bureau in Tel Aviv last night...