Will Sharon’s Vision for a National Unity Government be based on the “Bush Vision”?

The new Israeli government's underlying principles will include the "Bush vision" for peace between Israel and the Palestinians and the founding of a Palestinian state. This is one of the main points of Prime Minister...

The “Vision of Peace” according to Hamas

I speak publicly more and more frequently about the experience my family and I have gone through since our daughter Malka Chana z"l was murdered 21 months ago in Jerusalem. It sometimes happens that...

ISM Solidarity Group a Front for Attacks

Days before a British suicide bomber detonated an explosives belt in Mike's Place, a bar in suburban Tel Aviv, the bomber and an associate took tea with members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM),...

Geneva Accord in English:

Read the Geneva Accord in English at: www.heskem.org.il/Heskem_en.asp Further Information at: heskem@heskem.org.il Outline of the accord: Article 1 - Purpose of the Permanent Status Agreement Article 2 - Relations between the Parties Article 3: Implementation and Verification Group Article 4...

Excerpts: UNRWA’s refugee trove 9 June 2004

Excerpts: UNRWA's refugee trove 9 June 2004 JORDAN TIMES 9 June '04; "Refugees at crossroads between violence and opportunity - UN" Quotes From Text: "Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries Fund announced a $2.5 million contribution" The United States...

After Arafat

When Yasir Arafat became seriously ill in late 2003, Palestinians were near panic for several days. Officials did not know how to handle the crisis. Ahmad Dudin, former Fatah leader in the Hebron region,...

Why the People of Katif Do Not Want to Accept “Legal Compensation”

My cousin's daughter, a Tel Aviv lawyer, called last night. "Be realistic" she said. "You know that you are going to be expelled from Gush Katif. So get yourself a lawyer and start negotiating...

Why is the US Throwing Money at Abbas Without Conditions?

It's as if the Bush Administration has learned little from the tragic mistakes of the last eleven years of the failed Oslo process. The U.S. is again preparing to provide massive amounts of funds...

Consequences Ignored by Israeli Government?

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

“Calm” on Verge of Explosion

The quiet along the border with Egypt was violated yesterday once again. An IDF NCO who serves with the Engineering Corps was severely injured and an Israeli civilian was moderately injured yesterday afternoon from...