Education system commemorates Gush Katif: A dark chapter in Israeli history

This week, the education system set aside a day to commemorate the uprooting of Gush Katif, a significant event in Israel's history. In December 2003, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced the disengagement plan, a...


A reader of J-Wire commented to me that it was left-wing socialists who had settled and developed what was then Ottoman-ruled and later British Mandated Palestine. This indisputable fact set me thinking about the similarities...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Wife Sara Pay a Condolence Call on the...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, this evening (Tuesday, 14 February 2023), paid a condolence call on the Paley family at their home in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot, where two members...

Supreme Court denies Ben Uliel appeal

Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 9:51 Honenu reacted to the refusal of the Supreme Court to grant Amiram Ben Uliel an additional hearing: "Chief Justice Esther Hayut, like her friends the champions of human rights,...

Why we desperately need Israeli judicial reform

In June 1992, with the defeat of Israel’s Likud government and the ascension of the Labor Party to power, the Palestine Liberation Organization, an outlawed terrorist organization in a state of total war against...

Blinkin Blinded

Journalist David Bedein asked three questions US secretary of State Blinkin, during the official Blinkin visit to Israel. 1. Will the US demand that the PA repeal the PA "pay to slay" law, enacted by...

MK Simcha Rothman – Clarifying the Government’s Proposed Judicial Reform

Chairman, Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee Rothman is a member of the Religious Zionist party. He was first elected to the Knesset in 2021.  

Architect of judicial reform bill ‘eager to compromise’

Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman expressed his openness to compromise on the judicial reform package that is currently being introduced in the Knesset at a press briefing hosted Thursday by the Jerusalem Center for...

Have seen a petition ​of Jewish groups ​against the government​ of Israel

Perhaps the signatories will ask the US to demand that the PA repeal its unprecedented law which provides an automatic salary for life for anyone who murders a Jew- not only an Israeli -or...