News Analysis

First, a critique of an article -- "Are US Officials Understanding and Responding to the Middle Crisis? Ya Think?" -- by Barry Rubin, director of the Gloria Center. As to that "Ya think?" Rubin explains:...

Why terrorists from Yemen are trying to bomb synagogues in Chicago?

Friday afternoon, international authorities announced that they intercepted two explosive devices originating in Yemen and destined for two synagogues in Chicago. The discovery of the packages containing the bombs-the first one in England...

News Analysis: After the US Elections

"Hope Renewed" The Republican win in the House of Representatives and near-win in the Senate on Tuesday certainly give great hope to all of us who have been despairing of the direction the US government...

How Haaretz concocted a conflict

-- On July 10, 2008 Ha’aretz’s main section contained a small story. Not small, tiny. 93 words to be precise. “The district committee,” stated the article, “has approved for public hearing the establishment of...

The Two-State Delusion VIII: The New Middle East Paradigm:Wavering U.S. Resolve?

President Obama’s publicly stated opposition to a united Jerusalem logically concentrates attention on other positions and actions he has taken that ominously diminish the U.S.-Israel relationship: His eloquent Cairo apology to and effusive praise...

Jews in Mufti’s House=Justice!

Kiryat Arba 90100 9, Harav Cook Str. Tel.02-9961878 Tel.Fax 02-9963001 Israel e-mail< il The notorious Haj Amin's "Shepherd Hotel" was bought by Zionist US Jews...

Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages

For at least three decades, America's relationship with the Arab world has been defined along these lines. The State Department's institutional knowledge and contacts in the region are all oriented around the regimes in power,...

My Optimism About the New Arab Revolt

Unprecedented convulsions across the Middle East, from Morocco to Iran, prompt three reflections: First, these rebellions fit into the context of a regional chessboard, what I call the Middle East cold war. On one side...

Why Has the Domino Effect Been Halted?

Even American arms and training, European funds and global political support will not turn the Fatah regime in Judea and Samaria into something upon which Israel can depend. Only the establishment of eight homogeneous tribal states, based...

Egypt: Situation Deteriorating Rapidly . In the wake of bloody Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians the New York Times informs us: "By lifting the heavy hand of the Mubarak police state, the revolution unleashed long-suppressed sectarian animosities that have...