Israel at Peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...

The Palestinian Authority’s Inconvenient Truths The truth sometimes hurts; that is why the Palestinian Authority has been working hard to prevent the outside world from hearing about many occurrences that reflect negatively on its leaders or people. In recent years,...

Palestinians: Why Salam Fayyad Stands No Chance against Fatah In recent weeks, the US Administration has resumed its efforts to achieve peace not only between Israel and the Palestinians, but also between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his prime minister, Salam Fayyad. These...

In the service of the Palestinians,7340,L-4371351,00.html British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould is doing all he can for the Palestinian army, which he claims plays a crucial role in the establishment of a Palestinian state. He is urging Israel to...

Hassan Rowhani: A Honey Trap for Iran and the World? Sayyed Hassan Rowhani, who adopted the color purple during the election campaign, won an overwhelming victory in the first round of the Iranian presidential election with a majority of over 50 percent, leaving Saeed...

The Terror Threat and Iran’s Inroads in Latin America Last year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited his ally President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, where the firebrand leaders unleashed defiant rhetoric at the United States. There was a quieter aspect to Ahmadinejad's visit in January...

Kerry Runs Around in Rings Once again a lot of people think that Secretary of State John Kerry is on the verge of making a breakthrough toward peace. The problem is that these people believe that the contenders were...

“Radicalizing” the Muslim Brotherhood Following another night of violence in Cairo during which 72 people were killed, The New York Times accused the military led government of Abdul Fattah al Sisi of "radicalizing" the Muslim Brotherhood. "For all...

Do the palestinian authority and unrwa prepare palestinians for war?

4PM, Mon Sept 2 2013, at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, Gail Winston, founder, dedicated to the legacy of Emanuel Winston, invites you to an audiovisual program: 20 years since the Oslo Accords:...

Failed Foreign Policy Warfare is a very serious business whose first imperative is to deploy force to win - rather than to punish, make a statement, establish a symbolic point, or preen about one's morality. Yet, these latter...