A Blast Kills 2 Mothers, and Bewilders 2 Sons

The two elderly Israeli women, Elsa Cohen, 70, and Bianca Shachrur, 63, had so much in common. Both were born in Europe, survived World War II and came to Israel as adults, just a year...

Letter of Complaint Filed Against the Americans for Peace Now

June 5, 2003 Commissioner Mark W. Everson Internal Revenue Service Washington, DC 20224 202-622-4115 RE: Request for injunction and investigation against Americans for Peace Now for illegally utilizing U.S. charitable contributions for matters of Israeli politics, violation of Internal...

Manipulative Jaffee Center Poll: Israelis asked to Endorse Palestinian State Without being Asked as...

In comparison to last year, Israelis are today more optimistic and supportive of the measures required to move the peace process forward. For example, 59% now agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state...

Official PA Website: PA Will Not Fight any Armed Organizations

The Palestine National Authority (PNA) and the opposition groups have both confirmed that "dialogue" is a national decision and ruled out inter-Palestinian fighting to resolve a dispute that erupted over Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas'...

PA Minister of Information: “PM Abbas and President Arafat in Harmony to Formulate Leadership...

In the aftermath of the Palestinian cabinet's weekly meeting, Mr. Nabil Amr, Minister of Information, asserted the cabinet's adherence to the Palestinian national rights, which comes in harmony with those of the Palestinian Liberation...

ISM: A Group Supports Terror Cloaked in Peace

Being a neutral observer in a war zone is a difficult one. But when these observers are actually partisans masquerading as objective "monitors" of the treatment of civilians, then the images of the conflict...

The Prince: How The Saudi Ambassador Became Washington’s Indispensable Operator

During the first weeks of the second Bush Administration, the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, met with the new President. Bandar, who is fifty-three and has been the...

Washington’s Betrayal

From the beginning of May until last Tuesday, the Palestinians carried out 323 terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. That is an average of 12 per day. These attacks include suicide bombings, penetrations of Israeli...