Why Isn’t Obama Pressuring thePalestinians?

For the first time since the Oslo peace process started 18 years ago, Palestinian leaders are openly refusing to negotiate with the government of Israel, and U.S. President Barack Obama's administration is doing very...


It has arguably not been a good week for Palestinianian Authortiy President Mahmoud Abbas. Last Saturday February 5, The Palestinian Authority finally allowed a protest to take place in Ramallah in solidarity with thre Egyptian...

The Palestinian Authority: What Obama Is Missing

http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/04/the_palestinian_authority_what.html Well-placed leaks within the last few days suggest that President Obama may be about to announce a proposal for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One of the plan's tenets is expected to be acceptance of...

Palestine – ‘Occupation Incorporated’

http://blogs.news.sky.com/foreignmatters/Post:9af1d847-da96-4825-9836-47e32000c275 An African UN worker in the West Bank recently remarked to a mutual friend 'When people see me coming they see a walking ATM machine'. Driving through Ramallah, and then Jericho, the other day I...

Germany: Iran Trade and Dolphin Discount

JINSA Report #1107 http://www.jinsa.org/node/2370 According to the German magazine Der Spiegel, Germany will provide Israel with its sixth Dolphin-class nuclear-capable submarine and subsidize the deal with 135 million Euros. The magazine notes that Germany "donated" the...

Strategic Notes on the Gilad Shalit Prisoner Exchange

http://pajamasmedia.com/barryrubin/2011/10/12/strategic- notes-on-the-gilad-prisoner-exchange/?singlepage=true There are some substantial misunderstandings on the nature of the Gilad Shalit exchange deal. I should stress that the list of those Palestinian prisoners being given in exchange for him has not yet been...

The simple truth: They want it all

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=241973 No matter what the Palestinian Authority is offered - money, concessions and even steps toward statehood- the response is always “no.” Media, academic “experts” and governments seem to find this amazing phenomenon very hard...

The Obama Government Backs the Atrocity-Producing Forces So How Will it Stop Atrocities?

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/05/obama-government-backs-atrocity.html How can one write satire when the Obama Administration has created an Atrocities Prevention Board to prevent mass murder and genocide at the same time as it has been largely supporting the forces most...

Recipe for War: Unilateral Withdrawal from West Bank

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3101/unilateral-withdrawal-west-bank Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak believes that Israel should consider a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank if negotiations with the Palestinian Authority fail to bear fruit. Under the current circumstances, such a move would...