INTO THE FRAY: Law Enforcement in Israel – Something to Worry About

Confidence in Israel’s justice system, once so high, has slumped, and the time has come for the system to stop blaming everyone but itself. – Prof. Yuval Elbashan, in  Justice – The public’s loss of trust,...

Babi Yar Revisited: The Concealment

Today, every news consumer has heard of Babi Yar, the forest outside Kiev where the Germans killed tens of thousands of Jews in September 1941. The killing was marked by significant help from Ukrainian...

NEWSRAEL AntiSemitic U.N. Agency UNRWA Update by David Bedein March 6, 2022

NEWSRAEL AntiSemitic U.N. Agency UNRWA Update by David Bedein March 6, 2022

‘HORRIFIED’: Israeli school visits Arafat’s grave – will gov’t turn a blind eye?

The chair of the Knesset Education Committee wrote an open letter to Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton on Monday, demanding that she take action against employees of an Israeli school who recently visited the grave...

Beyond the headlines

According to surveys, on average five times as many people read the headlines as read the news items. That possibly explains why the real gist of any particular subject gets lost and misinformation abounds. With social...

The KGB and anti-Israel propaganda operations

The revelations in this paper may initially elicit disbelief by some. Much of the Informing Science Literature is abstract and, for this reason, difficult to apply to real-world situations, particularly complex ones. This paper...

Weekly Commentary: Will Israeli Leadership Leverage Russian Invasion For Dramatic Changes

Weekly Commentary: Will Israeli Leadership Leverage Russian Invasion For Dramatic Changes Dr. Aaron Lerner 27 February 2022 Pretty much every talking head broadcast in Israel since Russia launched its invasion of the Ukraine has mentioned that we Israelis...

Head of UN Probe on Israel Accused of Prejudice, Watchdog Calls on Her to...

The head of a new United Nations inquiry into last spring’s Hamas-Israel war was accused today of making prejudicial statements on the issues under investigation, compromising her impartiality, and was asked to recuse herself...

Palestinian Arab children in cages?

As a journalist who has covered Palestinians who live in the UNRWA refugee camps since 1987, I have filed a cordial request of the Palestine Chroniicle to provide any kind of documentation to this...

Explaining The Iron Dome – What Is This Metaphorical “Invisible Shield”?

In the Bible chapter Judges, biblical figure Samson used a donkey bone jaw as a weapon. Also in that same chapter, a tent peg, millstone and a host of other odd weapons are used....