Academic Brainwashing: Anatomy of Israel Higher Education, 2010

(Isracampus Translation From the Hebrew) By: *Ben Dror Yemini - Senior writer and Member of the Maariv Newspaper Editorial Board Original piece ran in Maariv on Aug,20, 2010 Israeli universities were not established with the sole purpose...


By The Israel Air Force (IAF) has a rich history of employing unmanned aerial vehicles in battle with excellent results, and is set to expand significantly its drone operations in the coming decades, as the...

“How the Legacy of the Mufti lives on, in the new Palestinian Authority curriculum”...

Jack Cohen was an inspiration to me for the past 42 years, as a man of integrity and as a genuine advocate of peace and reconciliation between Jews and Arabs, for the more than...

Hamas Can Replenish Arsenal — If Egypt Lets It The arsenal of Hamas in the Gaza Strip has been under constant fire recently. For six days the Israeli air force -- which claims to be the best in the world -- has bombed...

UNRWA: Blurring the Lines between Humanitarianism and Politics The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has become one of the largest UN programs, with over 30,000 personnel operating in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the...

The False Promise of Iraqi-Israeli Peace

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: No one should be misled by the revelation that several Iraqi delegations visited Israel in 2018 into optimism about Iraqi-Israeli relations. Peace with Iraq remains very far away. Iraq is simply the...

European Donors to UNRWA are shown a 1 January Video of Fatah Armed Demonstration...

Paris – The Wiesenthal Centre has forwarded the content of a report from the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, to the European Commission and to Foreign Ministers of major donor countries to the UNRWA...

The Protestant Cutting Edge Of Demonization Of Israel And The Jewish People

Presbyterians and Episcopalians recently held their church-wide conventions, the kind that are convened only every few years to decide major policy issues. Both voted on resolutions highly critical of Israel. The Presbyterians – at...

The Dark Reality Of PLO And UNRWA Policies

For decades, I advocated for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, believing that it could bring about a lasting peace in the region. I was convinced that Israel had a genuine partner in...

Rabbis for Human Rights Slam Israel in Durban and Raise Funds for the PLO

While more than twenty Jewish organizations organized a lobby to support Israel at the special UN Anti-Racism conference that had been convened in Durban, South Africa in Durban, the Ford Foundation financed one Jewish...