The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus

The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus. That means that The Knesset Lobby for UNRWA reform can now convene,  once again. Volunteers sought to influence donors  to reform UNRWA according...

Seven Threats to Israel And How to Fight Back

1. MURDER ADVOCACY. Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority, has enacted an unprecedented law which provides an automatic gratuity for anyone who murders a Jew. The award goes is...

Annexation and Sovereignty. Enough with Ideology. Consider Reality

Too often, annexation of territory to Israel is lost in a useless debate between warring ideologies that will never be resolved. Such debates avoid a discussion of reality on the ground where no dispute exists. Take,...

Keeping Our Cool with Saudi Arabia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In view of Saudi Arabia’s deep concern over Iran’s ascendancy, Israel is presented with a unique opportunity to dictate terms of engagement to the kingdom. It is unwise for Israel to tip...
Photo: Shuki / CC BY-SA (

We Are on the List Again

As any student of Jewish history soon learns certain events keep repeating themselves in every generation. Sure enough, a couple of years later my grandfather’s business was also blacklisted, his non-Jewish employees forced to resign,...

Concerning Olmert’s embrace of Abbas, as reported in the JPost ” Abbas is...

"Abbas is Israel's best negotiating partner" Olmert should be asked three questions. 1. What is his reaction to the unprecedented law that Abbas legislated which provides an automatic award for life for anyone who murders a...

Dead Sea returns to forefront of Israel’s economy, tourist industry

Israel’s Ministry of Tourism and Land Authority recently announced the winners of two tenders for the construction of four new Dead Sea hotels, part of a new complex that will be constructed alongside a...

All eyes on Germany as UN Security Council debates anti-Israel resolution

It comes as no surprise that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared President Trump’s Middle East peace plan “dead on arrival” even before it was presented at the White House this month. Indeed, the Palestinian Authority arrested the one Palestinian...

Jews, Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Teachers’ Guides Published by the Palestinian Authority’s...

The purpose of this study is checking the attitude to Israel, the Jews and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict as reflected in the teachers' guides, namely, books issued by the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Education in...

A deal you can’t refuse?

The quote “beware of Greeks bearing gifts” came to mind as President Trump’s “deal of the century” was unveiled amidst much pomp and ceremony. This time however it was not Greeks offering up a Trojan...