DECLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCE REPORT: Palestinian Return Centre: London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas... The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 8, 2011 The Palestinian Return Centre: London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, outlawed in Israel. It promotes the demand of the Palestinian refugees...

“The Lubavitcher Rebbe and Yitzhak Shamir” – interview conducted by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, excerpted...

CD Mr. Shamir, please tell a little about yourself and the your association with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Where were you born and what year did you come to Israel? YS I came here in 1935...

Have the skeletons of the Temple Mount massacre been found? Jews, Christians or Muslims? An image from the film of the skeletons. Photo credit: Yoav Ari Dudkevitch Remains of thousands of Jews massacred by the Romans on the Temple Mount at the time of the destruction...

How to Understand Islamism: Read What its Leaders Really Say To read Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s 1984 book, Islamic Education and Hasan al-Bana, is to get an Islamic education. Nobody should be allowed to talk about Islam or political Islamism without having read this or similar...

Institute for Contemporary Affairs, founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 14, No. 9 April 10, 2014 In March 2014, Saeb Erekat, the head of the Palestinian negotiating team, prepared a 65-page document that surveys the diplomatic process and offers a list of recommendations for...

NOAM BEDEIN: PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS WITH A “BALL OF FIRE” IN SDEROT, SATURDAY NIGHT, 28/06/14 _ Since the end of operation 'Pillar of Defense', through June 30th 2014, 300 aerial attacks have been launched from Hamas-ruled controlled Gaza towards southern Israel. The fact that many terrorist organizations based in Gaza...

Terrorism Trial of Mideast Bank Worries the Financial World{%222%22%3A%22RI%3A16%22&_r=1 Mark Sokolow, his wife, Rena Sokolow, and their daughter Jamie Sokolow Fenster were hurt in a 2002 bombing in Jerusalem. Credit Damon Winter/The New York Times It was a basic bank account at Arab Bank’s...

A Peculiar Attitude Towards Judaism in the Jewish Agency for Israel

Since 2002, I have been intimately involved with newolim, or new immigrants to Israel, from all over the world. Being a rabbi, I am naturally interested in their Jewish identity and spirituality. There are...

Israel Urged To Prepare For Iran Attack

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that Iran could erupt in war against Israel from either Lebanon or Syria. In a report, the center said the Iranian war could begin with an attack...

Best Not to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem Until US law is Changed

Silver lining in the delay to move the US embassy to Jerusalem:  New momentum to update the relocation law to recognize Jerusalem as part of Israel. Covering events in the US capitol when Congress passed the “US...