Learn from Alinsky to galvanize support for Israeli sovereignty

I studied with community organizer Saul Alinsky in Madison, Wisconsin almost 50 years ago and dedicated my MSW ten years later to carry Alinsky's legacy - to  give a voice to the little guy...

Who is responsible for the tragedy surrounding Amona?

The intolerable behavior of the hoodlums who took over the Amona synagogue and viciously attacked the police tended to obscure the tragedy of the 42 families who were uprooted from their homes. They had...

Settler: The N word: “If you live there = no human rights”

On July 23rd, 1990, Israel Resource News Agency organized a dialogue between Israeli-American residents of Judea and then US Consul in Jerusalem, Mr. Phillip Wilcox. During that discussion, guests from Judea praised the sensitivity of...

What happened to President Trump and “Settlements”?

What suddenly happened to President Donald Trump and "Settlements"? The Israel Civil Administration, also known as COGAT,  got to the new President. COGAT does not think that Jewish communities are important to Judea, Samaria and Gaza. COGAT...

Palestinian Incitement: From the Second Intifada Female Suicide Bombers to the Present

Israel’s Deputy Minister for Regional Cooperation Ayoob Kara, Former Israel Consul General Yitzchak Ben Gad, Dr. Mordechai Kedar, American counter-terrorism expert Nancy Kobrin, David Bedein of the Israel Resource News Agency and Rachel Avraham,...

When a nation removes the homes of its citizens, it violates International Human Rights...

Eliav Schochetman, Hebrew University Professor of Law Emeritus and Dean of the Shaari Mishpat Law College, gave a lecture a few years ago on the subject of “The implications of forcible expulsion in the...

Why the Palestinians are Winning the Media War: An Interview with David Bedein in...

David Bedein has run the Jerusalem-based Israel Resource News Agency, which provides news services for the foreign media, since 1987. He has also worked on special assignment for BBC, CNN Radio, the Los...

Retreat Map Approved by Israel Which Could be Repealed

There is a code of silence about what is being discussed  ​when the US and/or the Israeli government discuss settlement blocs. In March, 2005, Yuli Edelstein, then a deputy government minister and now the speaker...

Could Israel lose the Dead Sea Scrolls?

One of the very unfortunate effects of the US failure to veto UN Security Resolution 2334 is that it will bolster cultural warfare against the Jewish people by advancing a Palestinian claim to the...