December 2016 Press release – Take An Amazing Dead Sea Boat Ride

Documentation dates of salt formations: Top pictures: 15th of April 2016  below: 25th of October 2016 Winter sunset boat rides, Wednesdays, twice a month, Time: 13:00-16:00  Join us on an amazing quest, to photograph the Dead Sea...

The Etrog: The Media, the Courts and Prime Minister Sharon during the Disengagement

Abstract: This article describes the protection and favor that the media and the courts extended to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon from the moment that he announced the disengagement plan in December 2003 up to and...

UN Approves Funding for First Anti-Israeli ‘Settlement’ Blacklis

On the same day as the U.N. Security Council passed a controversial resolution condemning Israel, the 193-member U.N. General Assembly on Friday approved a budget that includes $138,700 to fund the compilation of a...

Mainstream Jewish Organizations Poised to Betray Israel By Attacking David Friedman Appointment As US...

Friends, Israel on Friday received a huge dose of treachery from President Obama. In his parting days he couldn't resist yet another expression of animus toward Israel by declining to veto an anti-Israel UN Security...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

Israel plans additional retaliatory moves against UN over resolution

With the help of the new Trump administration, PM Netanyahu plans to target UNRWA, the Palestinian committee at the UN and anti-Israeli UN employees, as well as cut funding for UN agencies. FOR THE REST...

Israel leader MK Sharren Haskel joins Dr. Anthony Harper at the Knesset in...

Israel leader MK Sharren Haskel (Member of Knesset) joins InterMountain Christian News and Christian Newspaper Association news reporter Dr. Anthony Harper Wednesday December 21, 2016 at the Knesset in Jerusalem to talk about United Nation efforts...

The UNRWA Reform Initiative (U.R.I.)

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) serves five million descendants of the Arab refugees from the 1948 Arab-Israeli War of Independence, who still subsist in refugee conditions, under the premise of the “right...

The Era of the Yom Kippur War: A Personal and Historical Reflection

Turning 60 two weeks ago, on the day that marked the 40th anniversary of my arrival in Israel, provided an appropriate pause for reflection. After all, there is the tradition that a Jew is reborn...

Letting terrorists off the hook for killing Americans

It looks like there’s a new red line in the Middle East. It has been laid down by the Second US Circuit Court of Appeals, which just let the Palestinian Authority off the hook...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

My Message to President Abbas: 5 Steps for Peace President Abbas, Since over the past several years, you refused to meet me and sit down and negotiate peace, I hope you’ll hear this message. First, your advisor, Sultan Abu al Einein recently called to slit...