What Abbas Missed in His UN Speech

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4001/abbas-un-speech As Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was delivering his speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations last week, one of his officials in Ramallah revealed that 250,000 out of the approximately 600,000...

The Al-Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra) is an Al-Qaeda Salafist-jihadi network, prominent in the rebel...

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/article/20573 Al-Qaeda Entrenchment in Syria 1. During the Syrian civil war two branches of Al-Qaeda established themselves among the rebel organizations fighting to overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. The most prominent is the Al-Nusra...

Video Games and Cigarettes: Syria’s Disneyland for Jihadists

http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/foreign-jihadists-in-syria-favor-liberal-transit-towns-over-front-a-910092.html Atmeh looks like the set for a movie about al-Qaida. New arrivals pulling suitcases on wheels search for their emirs, Africans and Asians can be seen on the village streets, and long-haired men dressed...

Abbas at the UN: Decoding the Babble

www.frontpagemag.com/2013/arlene-kushner/abbas-at-the-un-decoding-the-babble/ Mahmoud Abbas - putative president of the Palestinian Authority - addressed the UN General Assembly on Thursday, focusing on the negotiations between the PA and Israel. How eminently reasonable was the tone he attempted...

The UNRWA Dilemma

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3979/unrwa-dilemma The Palestinian people, according to a recent study by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, have received per capita, adjusted for inflation, 25 times more aid than did Europeans to rebuild war-torn Western Europe under...

September 12, 2013: Yom Kippur

http://www.arlenefromisrael.info/current-postings/ Tomorrow eve ushers in the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. It is a day of personal soul searching and repentance, which we are told seals our fates for the year ahead. If we...

The evidence for Syrian chemical weapons use crumbles

http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/09/the-evidence-for-syrian-chemical-weapons-use-crumbles/ Now we learn that President Obama may be second-guessing his “decision’ to launch military action - that Secretary of State John Kerry insists is not “going to war” - to punish Syria for a...

Israel’s secret doctors

http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/09/07/robert-fulford-israels-secret-doctors/ To help refugees from the Syrian war, Israeli doctors and aid workers must do their work furtively. When they go into refugee camps in Jordan, they change clothes so that they can fade into...

US Military Intervention in Syria: The Broad Strategic Purpose, Beyond Punitive Action

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=11973 Until the publication of reports that Bashar Assad’s army carried out a large attack using chemical weapons in an eastern suburb of Damascus, Washington had not seriously considered military intervention in Syria. In light...

Syria Is Said to Be Hiding Weapons, Moving Troops

http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/syria-hiding-weapons-moving-troops-20145087?singlePage=true As the Obama administration tries to prod Congress into backing armed action against Syria, the regime in Damascus is hiding military hardware and shifting troops out of bases into civilian areas. Politically, President Bashar Assad...