Critique of Abu Mazen from a Pro-Palestinian Advocacy Organization

"Among the fancy new villas, fanciest is that of Abu Mazen, key negotiator of the ill-fated Oslo accord. It is not clear who paid for this $2 million-plus affair, all balconies and balustrades in...

The Two State Delusion IV: Oslo’s Bloody Aftermath

In 1993, the Oslo Accords were signed by Arafat of the P.L.O. and Prime Minister Rabin of Israel at the White House, supposedly to allow for the development and growth of mutual trust and...

The Middle East Turmoil: Its Impact on Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects *

It all started just five months ago, on Dec. 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a young Tunisian fruit peddler in Sidi Bouzidi, south of the Tunisian capital, set himself ablaze after the police seized...

EDITOR’S DISPATCH FROM THE DAVID CITADEL HOTEL: HARPER WOWS ISRAEL There is no question that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is very popular in Israel and that Canada is considered Israel's best friend in the world. As a driver for one of Israel's Knesset members from...

No surprises in poll commissioned by group funded by The New Israel Fund, The... Damascus with Assad, none of this is particularly relevant to the here and now - and probably the next decades for that matter. So why commission a poll that is so profoundly irrelevant? Here's a clue: For an...

Netanyahu: Apologize if You Want Canada to Understand New Hamas Threat

On October 1, 1997, a few hours before the New Jewish Year began this year, Gazan Hamas leader Abdul Aziz Rantissi declared that he would dispatch more suicide bombers into Israel, to kill Israelis...

After Sharif

Even if the Hamas leadership in Gaza tries to respond to the Palestinian Authority's request to avoid attacks, it is doubtful if it has the power to influence the leaders of its military wing...

Journalist Pressured not to Report Jewish Dimension of Balkan War

Budapest, Hungary - I'm a journalist and a Jew, but it was only recently that I became a Jewish journalist. Not by choice, mind you. It was thrust upon me. And larded with Jewish guilt,...

Official PA radio news – the P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 29

Summary and Analysis In its Monday afternoon and evening broadcasts on January 29, VOP stressed remarks by Yasser Arafat at Davos (World Economic Forum) that "totally rejected" any "resettlement of refugees" and "leaving any refugees...