The Fatah Charter: Intentions vs. Words

Arlene Kushner is the senior research analyst for the Center for Near East Policy Research in Jerusalem, and author of a daily blog, "Arlene From Israel," On January 27, 2010, the Jewish Telegraph Agency...

The new nexus of narcoterrorism: Hezbollah and Venezuela Press stories, as well as a television documentary, over the past two months have detailed the growing cooperation between South American drug traffickers and Middle Eastern terrorists, proving that the United States continues to...

Obama’s Halfway Effort in Syria As it becomes increasingly obvious that President Obama has decided to attack Syria with cruise missiles and perhaps a bit more, those of us who have been urging a stronger stand on Syria for...

Lawrence Solomon: The UN’s phoney refugees In the up-is-down bizarro world of UNRWA, the number of refugees only grows and grows RIDDLE: You’re an American citizen, born and raised in the U.S., who has never set foot outside your country. You...

Is the Temple Mount in Danger of Collapse?

Israel fears that Temple Mount retaining wall will collapse and that the region will burn. The problem: Aerial photographs of Temple Mount have proven that al-Aqsa Mosque's southern wall is inclined to one side....

The PA and the UN allow Hamas to facilitate a TV Station in in...

Almost every media outlet covered the Palestinian elections this week in terms of the rivalry between the Hamas Islamic terror organization and the Fateh, which is also defined by Israeli and American law as...

Passionate, Heated Debates Over The “Peace Process” Have Nothing To Do With Reality There is a great deal of heat and passion about the difference between "left" and "right" views in Israel. Yet these gaps, at least during this era, are far less significant than people think....


CHANGING TACTICS UNRWA - the UN Relief and Works Agency - appears to be adopting a new face and new policies. These changes can be seen as part of a bold PR campaign to insure,...

DISPATCH FROM WJR WARTIME CORRESPONDENT ORLI AVIOR: HOW I JUST MISSED THE BIGGEST STORY... Usually, when war breaks out in Israel, I am right in the thick of things--missiles fly by my kitchen windows, my life is made chaotic and I can't hear myself think it's so noisy...

Israeli Press Analyis of the Terror Attack on Israel’s Northern Road

Terror Returns to the Galilee Ma'ariv (p. 2) by Avi Ashkenazi et al. -- Terror returned to the Galilee. As a result of shots from an ambush near Kibbutz Metzuba, six Israelis were killed, including...