Files Reveal Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists The men who were arrested in the Munich house of former Waffen-SS member Charles Jochheim late on Oct. 27, 1972 were armed like soldiers on their way to the front. In one suitcase,...

Fuel for Thought: Is Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Purposely Trying to destabilize King Abdullah of...'s_Muslim_Brotherhood_Purposely_Trying_to_destabilize_King_Abdullah_of_Jordan_by_withholding_gas_supplies _ In September I wrote an article about Canada trying to help Jordan with it's energy needs, which I considered to be an effort to help stabilize the Hashemite Kingdom, which is something that...

Egypt “On the Verge of Bankruptcy” Egypt is effectively out of cash. With foreign exchange reserves at a “critical minimum,” Egypt’s central bank imposed exchange controls and let the Egyptian pound exchange rate fall by about 5 percent from the...

Abbas Refused Offer to Resettle Refugees in Sinai Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz PA President Mahmoud Abbas has refused an offer by a senior Egyptian official to resettle “Palestinian refugees” in the Sinai, according to a report in the Middle East Monitor on Monday. According...

Al-Ahram: Egypt’s Options, Lutfi El-Kholi

The following are selections from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly, 2nd - 8th July, 1998 Forging News Alliances by Dina Ezzat Dina Ezzat explores Egypt's options beyond a defunct...

Cover Story

Where Will They Go? Palestinian refugees say international law guarantees them a right of return to their homelands. But the law has no teeth, and the refugees fear they have no champion. Near a checkpoint...

Jeff Halper and the Committee Against House Demolitions… Reconsidered

Many things have changed since Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) founder and executive coordinator Jeff Halper made aliyah nearly 30 years ago: LP's and Beta Max have become CD's and VCR's only to...

Israeli Pundits React to the Death of Arafat

All clips from Friday, November 05, 2004: Irrelevant Ma'ariv (p. 1) by Dan Margalit (news analysis) -- Yasser Arafat is dead. At least, he is as good as dead. He hoisted a flag. Stabbed with a sword....

Exit PA, Enter Egypt

Al Ayyam, Oct. 9, 2005 Seeking shelter from Palestinian gun battles. Executive Summary: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to a virtual Egyptian takeover of the Gaza Strip and has invited other Arab regimes to plant...