Showdown Brews Between Obama, Congress Over Accuracy of Count of Palestinian Arab Refugees A showdown is brewing in Washington over how the number of Palestinian Arab refugees is being counted, and it could be explosive. This is because numerical accuracy would undermine claims by the Palestinians that...

Red Crescent donates cash for food supplies in Gaza Gaza The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Authority (UAERCA) has generously contributed around Dh3 million ($817,000) for food for the poorest refugees in Gaza. Over the last five years, the UAERCA offered Dh18.4 million in...

Welfare for Fake Palestinian ‘Refugees’ Each century brings forth its own patriots. Once upon a time we had Patrick Henry, today we have Senator Patrick Leahy, who declared in the Senate that his opposition to an amendment that would...

Counting Palestine Refugees # The fetid, dark heart of the Arab war on Israel, I have long argued, lies not in disputes over Jerusalem, checkpoints, or “settlements.” Rather, it concerns the so-called Palestine refugees. So called because of...

Redefining Refugee Status Update: A Senate amendment aimed at finding exactly how many Palestinian refugees are benefitting from U.S. tax dollar has passed a major procedural hurdle despite “enormous opposition” by the State Department, Jordanian government, and...

Senate fight today over Palestinian ‘refugees’ Thirty U.S. senators will vote today over whether there really are 5 million Palestinian "refugees" or just around 30,000 -- a hot-button issue that has already become the subject of a vigorous international debate...

Egypt: If There’s No Danger of Radicalism and Islamism Why Can’t You Provide Evidence? Consider one fact that demolishes the apparatus of nonsense about moderate Islamists and the credibility of those claiming there is nothing to worry about. These are the same people who have been declaring for...

‘Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace’ J Street backs congressmen who do not support Israel The self-described “pro-Israel, pro-peace” liberal advocacy group J Street is soliciting funds for congressional candidates who are openly hostile to Israel while simultaneously targeting for defeat explicitly pro-Israel lawmakers who do not agree with...

A Toxic Brew in Sinai To grasp how badly the security situation in Sinai has deteriorated, one fact suffices: Israel now receives as many intelligence warnings about Sinai-based terror plots as it does about terror from Gaza. This, obviously, is...

EU Documents Repeat False NGO Claims and Increase Tension

Leaked documents on Arab-Israeli conflict promote misinformation from NGO grantees Background Since 2010, six documents from the offices of EU representatives in Israel and the Palestinian Authority - dealing with the central, complex, and sensitive issues...