“How the Legacy of the Mufti lives on, in the new Palestinian Authority curriculum”...

Jack Cohen was an inspiration to me for the past 42 years, as a man of integrity and as a genuine advocate of peace and reconciliation between Jews and Arabs, for the more than...

The Iraqi Model: As Good As It Gets

http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/04/iraqi-model-as-good-as-it-gets.html Iraq is in a mess. Violence continues. Factionalism leads to endless bickering. Corruption is at high levels. Christians live in fear or flee altogether. Islamism is constantly creeping forward. Yet I would suggest that...

Two states, ‘secure borders’ and the tooth fairy

http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=265058 Photo: Yehoar Gal If a Palestinian state is established, it will be armed to the teeth. Within it there will be bases of the most extreme terrorist forces, who will be equipped with anti-tank and...


http://www.fpri.org/enotes/2012/201204.susser.arabspring.html The tumultuous events that have swept through the Middle East during the last year or so were widely referred to in the West as the "Arab Spring". The media was awash with expectations of...

Islam and Jerusalem

http://www.arlenefromisrael.info/current-postings/2012/3/18/ march-18-2012-islam-and-jerusalem.html On March 14, I attended a conference that considered the question, "Jerusalem: How Important Is It to the Muslims?" Held at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, it was jointly sponsored by the Center and...

Put Palestinian Tactics, Not Israeli Military Justice, On Trial

http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2012/02/20/ palestinian-tactics-israeli-justice-west-ban/ Yesterday, the New York Times devoted considerable space to the story of one Islam Dar Ayyoub, a 15-year-old Palestinian from a village near Ramallah. According to the story, Ayyoub’s childhood was stolen from him...

The Ever-Growing Palestinian Problem

http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/291500/ever- growing-palestinian-problem-daniel-pipes Of all the issues that drive the Arab-Israeli conflict, none is more central, malign, primal, enduring, emotional, and complex than the status of those persons known as Palestinian refugees. The origins of this unique case,...

The organizations participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel plan a series of propaganda...

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/pdf/hamas_e153.pdf Overview 1. The organizations in the Middle East and around the globe participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel chose March 30, the day Israeli Arabs have marked Land Day since 1976, to hold a...

Read Khaled Abu Toameh: Jordan’ s King Abdullah needs to wake up – Fast

http://www.stonegateinstitute.org/2846/jordan-king-abdullah-corruption Facing growing criticism over lack of reforms and transparency, Jordan's King Abdullah has announced an unprecedented crackdown on corruption, sending a number of his former top government officials to prison. But the clampdown has only...

Freedom of Expression, UN Human Rights Council

http://www.stonegateinstitute.org/2851/freedom-of-expression- un-human-rights-council Part 1: Overview and Background: 1) By any objective standard, Israeli democracy is as robust and pluralistic as any in the world. There are no restrictions on any form of protest or advocacy, including very...