The Two State Delusion VI: Jerusalem: Forgotten History and a U.S. Policy Charade

Three Thousand years ago, King David made Jerusalem his capital and Jews have aspired to live in Jerusalem ever since. Since the 1840’s, Jews have comprised the largest single group of Jerusalem’s inhabitants. Moreover,...

The Two State Delusion VII: Changing Arab Perspectives:Iran

The Obama administration argues the extreme urgency of achieving the “Two-State Solution” as necessary to gain support from the Arab states in our conflict with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Certainly we want any...

The Two State Delusion IX: Why Speak Peace When Peace Is Not In...

Since 1937, when Great Britain’s Peel Commission vainly proposed a “Two-State Solution” as “a chance for ultimate peace”, Arab-Israel “peace plans” have been advanced in predictably futile succession, among them: The U.N.’s “Partition Plan...

The Settlements Issue: Distorting the Geneva Convention and the Oslo Accords

Published January 2011 Vol. 10, No. 20 5 January 2011 Alan Baker Palestinian representatives at the UN have prepared a draft resolution that will seek to declare that Israeli settlements are "illegal and constitute a major obstacle...

Beware of Palestinian data: Israeli policymakers afflicted by demographobia – the illogical fear of...,7340,L-4008247,00.html The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) declared in December, 2010 that 2014 will, ostensibly, usher in a Jewish-Arab demographic parity between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean followed by an Arab majority. That projection has...

The Western Wall: Is it the Kotel or Al-Buraq Wall?

"The Shechina will never move from the Western Wall" according to an ancient tradition (Exodus Rabba 2.2). Originally, this saying did not refer to the present Western Wall which is part of retaining...

Geert Wilders’ Speech in Tel Aviv

http://gatesofvienna.blogspot. com/2010/12/geert-wilders- speech-in-tel-aviv.html#more Below is the text of the speech given today in Tel Aviv by Geert Wilders. Update:Thanks to Brian ofLondon for the photo. Shalom chaveriem, Let me start by saying that it is with great...

The Palestinian Refugees on the Day After “Independence”

The gap between Israel and the Palestinians on the refugee question cannot be reconciled. The Palestinians demand a "just peace," which implies recognition of the right of return according to their interpretation, and rejects...

The Palestinian Proletariat

British Prime Minister David Cameron recently called Gaza a “prison camp.” Former President Jimmy Carter has called it a “cage.” At first glance, these characterizations of the Hamas-ruled ­province seem like rhetorical excesses designed...

WikiLeaks: Sec’y Clinton Ordered Probe of UNRWA . looking for Hamas ties

WikiLeaks revealed Sunday that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered a probe on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as an investigation on possible ties between UN members and terror groups such as...