News Analysis: Wiki Leaks Puts an End to the Notion of a Link Between...

Obama and company have been insisting, with enormous perversity, that "peace" between Israel and the PA was necessary in order to make the "moderate" Arab states happy, and that until these states were satisfied,...

News Analysis

The Israeli government is waiting for the US government to put in writing what Clinton told Netanyahu verbally. Israel might have to wait a long time. Yesterday, when State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley was asked about...

A WaPo reporter’s anti-Israeli approach: from Sderot to Jakarta

When Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson did a stint as the paper's Jerusalem correspondent, he earned a well-deserved and well-documented reputation for anti-Israel bias, shading and spinning his copy to portray Israel in the...

UNRWA and the code of silence

One of the first rules of being an UNRWA official is omerta. Above all the code of silence means refusing to tell two truths. First is the truth about UNRWA. It is a key...

News Analysis:

"Tedious" We've been there, done that. Plans for building in Jerusalem east of the Green Line are announced, and the world goes slightly berserk. It is really tiresome. Word from the government here is that 1) these...

Benny Morris: “The 1948 War Was an Islamic Holy War” MiddleEast Quarterly Summer 2010, pp. 63-69 (view PDF) Benny Morris is professor of history in the MiddleEast Studies Department at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Be'er Sheva, Israel. For many years, his academic...

The Arab Lobby: The European Component

In the early 1980s, there was a palpable concern among staffers at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) of the looming rise of an Arab-American lobby aimed at challenging the pro-Israel community. The National Association of...

News Analysis

First, a critique of an article -- "Are US Officials Understanding and Responding to the Middle Crisis? Ya Think?" -- by Barry Rubin, director of the Gloria Center. As to that "Ya think?" Rubin explains:...

Fact-Free Middle East Negotiations?

The dispute between Israel and the Palestinian Authority with regard to the freezing of Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank) is predicated on the assumption that Israel's border is the...

News Analysis: “Playing the Game”

A article yesterday (written by Sheera Frankel in the Miami Herald) said: "The Obama administration has secured pledges from senior Mideast leaders to continue peace negotiations until after next month's U.S. midterm elections, largely to...