Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: July 27, 2007 "Courage" Their names were Avshalom Haviv, Meir Nakar and Yaakov Weiss, and their memories stand as a blessing. In yesterday's Post, Yehuda Avner told their story: It was 1947. As the days of...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: February 27, 2008 "More?!" Over 40 Kassams were launched from Gaza today. Hamas has claimed credit for this barrage. One rocket hit in Sderot near Sapir College, killing student Ronnie Yechiya, who was the father of...

Insight in the News in Israel

Posting: November 26, 2008 "So, Nu?" Last night at an Anglo Likud Forum at which some of the candidates for the Likud list spoke, I heard constitutional lawyer Yosi Fuchs -- founder of Forum for the...


Incongruously named Beit Hashalom (House of Peace), that building on the road from Kiryat Arba to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron has become a source of confrontation and altercations between the Defense...

Israel’s Bogus Demographic Threat

Theodore Herzl (in 1900) and David Ben Gurion (in 1947) did not subordinate their vision and long-term strategy to tenuous demographic constraints: A Jewish minority of 8% and 33% respectively between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean....

UNRWA as an Obstacle to Peace: THE GENETIC REFUGEE

The United Nations wants very much to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They want that so badly, that Israel just can’t seem to get off the agenda in the subcommittees and the leaders’ speeches. Paradoxically, UNRWA-a sub-agency...

Will revolt in Tunisia inspire others? What it will take for the Arab world... | AIRO -(MCT)Hours after riots forced Tunisian President Zine el Abidine ben Ali to flee his country, hundreds of Egyptians poured into the streets of Cairo with a warning to their own authoritarian president,...

Why The Issue of Land Landed President Obama In Trouble With Israel,

A Muslim friend who I greatly respect wrote me that he doesn"t understand why I've been complaining about Obama's speeches. I suggested that the problem is he has been reading media coverage which tends to revolve...

Palestinians Cannot Accept Less than 100% The Palestinians are divided today into two camps - one that is radical and another that is less radical -- or "moderate" in the words of the West. The radical camp is headed by Hamas...

UNESCO Fueling Cultural Conflict Over Hebron Holy Site It is a clear blue and busy day in the holy city of Hebron. A small crowd of press gathers around Israeli Minister Yuli Edelstein outside the Tomb of Patriarchs. A Bar Mitzvah celebration...