Confronting the Bush Administration with Palestinian reality

The Bush administration has determined that - in order to serve its perceived goals in the Middle East - a Fatah-led Palestinian state should be established in Judea and Samaria. To that end, the...

Annapolis Summit: Plans Are On, Gaps Remain

The die is cast. The Annapolis summit is on. On Monday, the Israeli Ministry of Finance received Knesset Finance Committee Approval for a $1.5 million budget to cover the Israeli government costs of expenses pertaining...

Incisive Commentary: Time for Action

Posting: October 25, 2007 "Time for Action" As these are serious times, action in the US is called for. And so I ask each of you who is a US citizen to help. Below you will find...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: October 9, 2007 "Speechless?" Not quite. It takes a lot to render me speechless. But the events of the last few days push me in that direction. The foolishness, the essential errors in thinking, the...

Preventing a Terror State

The Bush administration and the Olmert government have determined that - in order to serve their perceived goals in the Middle East - a Fatah-led Palestinian state should be established in Judea and Samaria....

Incisive Commentary from the Past Ten Days

"A Pre-Sukkot Contemplation" I received an e-mail from a very serious reader (who shall remain anonymous here, as I've not received permission to use his name). Things are dire, he told me with a heavy...

Analysis: The Israel “Declaration Of Principles” offered to The PLO

On Monday, September 10th, 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met in his office with Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party along with the...


Imagine, if you would, if the Israeli army had destroyed a mosque and an entire neighborhood after expelling two Arab families whom the IDF had determined to be squatters. There would be an international...

Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: September 12, 2007 "There it is!" Olmert and company exposed with their intentions out front for all to see. We are not to "play into the hands of Hamas" by going into Gaza, you see. As...

Israeli Intelligence Blasts U.K. For Providing Sanctuary To Hamas

Just a short time after outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair assumed the role of Middle East envoy, the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzelia, Israel (, has issued a scathing report in...