Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

The PA and the UN allow Hamas to facilitate a TV Station in in...

Almost every media outlet covered the Palestinian elections this week in terms of the rivalry between the Hamas Islamic terror organization and the Fateh, which is also defined by Israeli and American law as...

IDF Moves Into Hebron With Orders To Fire On Jews

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has deployed top counter-insurgency units to demolish a small Jewish neighborhood in Hebron known as "The Shalhevet Neighborhood". Israeli security sources said military and police commanders have been given...

“Palestinian Politically Correct Anti-Semitism”

Scheduled to be delivered as a paper in the seminar series at the Fuchsberg Center for Conservative Judaism, 4 Agron Street, Jerusalem, Israel, on January 9th, 2006. Before delving into the difficult content of tonight's...

Where is UNRWA Going After the Withdrawal from Katif?

In early November, shortly after Israel had pulled out of Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom met with UNRWA's new commissioner-general, Karen AbuZayd. Shalom suggested, during that meeting, that it might be time for...

UNRWA: A Roadblock to Peace?

Now that Israel has withdrawn from Gaza, leaving Arab governments and their intellectual apologists in the West without a scapegoat, attention is finally turning to the real problems that are plaguing the Palestinian Territories....

U.N. Agency Balks At Transferring Duties To Palestinians

A U.N. agency dedicated to the welfare of Palestinian Arabs is resisting Israel's suggestion that it hand over some of its responsibilities in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. The idea was raised by Israel's foreign...

Apply the Principles of UNHCR to the Operation of UNRWA

The UNHCR Model The international community and most specifically the supporters of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, UNRWA, have for half a century countenanced a situation...

Why does UNRWA exist?

(This article appeared as an oped in the Jerusalem Post of October 28th, 2005) As the United Nations celebrated its 60th anniversary this fall with a dramatic World Summit, supposedly sweeping reform proposals sought to...

Report # 12: State of [EVICTED] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research "No Treatment for Special Needs Children" There are three families currently living in Ir Haemuna who have young children who have special...