Bush’s Letter to Sharon: With Commentary in Brackets

April 14, 2004 His Excellency Ariel Sharon Prime Minister of Israel Dear Mr. Prime Minister: Thank you for your letter setting out your disengagement plan. The United States remains hopeful and determined to find a way forward toward...

Hijacking Israeli Democracy; Ethnic Cleansing, The Spin

April 13th, 2004: Ariel Sharon Hijacks Israeli Democracy to the Oval Office In a democratic system, if a head of state's foreign policy initiative is rejected by his cabinet, government, legislature, and the political party of...

High Level US Defense Establishment Sources Reveal: Sharon has set May 1st as the...

Israel Resource News Agency has learned from highly placed sources in the US Defense Department that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has informed the US government that he intends to implement the retreat from...

Sidebar: Nixon tapes and the Arafat’s murders in Khartoum

The web site mountnixon.com/khartoum.html draws some interesting e-mail and comment from knowledgeable people who read it. On February 10, 2002, I received a call from Jim Welsh in Oregon (James J. Welsh), who had...

UNRWA Palestinian Refugee Camps: Will U.S. Dollars Fuel a Future War with Israel?

www.CBN.com (CBN News) - No issue fans the flames of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more than the so-called "right of return" to Israel for Palestinian refugees. Israelis say the influx of nearly four million Arabs...

UNRWA CAMPS: Islands of Terrorism

www.CBN.com -- on the ISRAEL-LEBANON BORDER -- Thousands of young Palestinians live in the crowded refugee camps of Lebanon. The camps have never been pleasant places to live, but now some say they have...

Kant on Perpetual Peace and the Seeds of Another War

Two hundred years ago, an essay entitled "Perpetual Peace" by German idealist philosopher Immanuel Kant argued: "no peace treaty may be deemed valid that contains within its provisions, the seeds of another war." This seemingly...

Anatomy of US Embassy Response to Official PA Policy

Preface Throughout the day on Thursday, January 29th, 2004, the PLO's mainstream Fateh celebrated the fact that it had taken credit for murdering a dozen Jews and maiming another 40 Jews in Jerusalem. As the...

A Review of:”The Oslo War: A Tale of Self-Delusion” by Dr Efraim Karsh

BESA BULLETIN,October 2003, No.16 Quote from Text: "Peres: 'We close our eyes. We don't criticize because, for peace, we must produce a partnere.' " Full Text: The ongoing Palestinian war of terror is a direct and inevitable consequence...

The Geneva Accord: A Strategic Assessment

A self-appointed Israeli negotiating team, claiming to speak in the name of a majority of Israelis, concluded the Geneva Accord with a Palestinian delegation. It conceded almost all the security arrangements for the West...