The Case of a Missing Children Part Four: Coverup?

In Part Three, you read about the empty graves belonging to children that were reported dead. Many of you asked why this shocking discovery that only hit the main press in August of 1997...

Israel and the Jews in the Schoolbooks of the Palestinian Authority

Introduction What concepts and perceptions of Israel and the Jews has the Palestinian Authority taught Arab children in its territory since the adoption of the Oslo agreements? Can these perceptions and ideas serve as the...


Reprinted from 2003. Published in Makor Rishon and in the Jerusalem Post (2003). A news story which shocked the world this week dealt with the crushing of American citizen Rachel Corrie by an IDF bulldozer,...

How an Innocuous Children Book Award Conference Became a Forum for Israel Bashing

The IBBY Jubilee Congress In Basel: You wouldn't believe it Last week I was honored to represent Israel at the International Congress on Children's Literature that took place in Basel, Switzerland, since my book "The...

Saddam’s “Successor” Made Secret Visit to Israel

On Tuesday afternoon, in a dramatic interruption of the news, Al Jazeera broadcast a panicky item from Baghdad on the arrest of Ahmed Chalabi, president of the umbrella organization of Iraqi exiles. "Chalabi, the...

The People of Sa-Nur

Sa Nur, Israel On July 4th, 2005, I step down from a bulletproof journalists' tour bus onto the controversial soil of Sa-nur, one of the four Shomron area settlements to be evacuated come mid-August. My...

OPEN LETTER BY IRANIAN CANADIANS EXPRESSES GRAVE CONCERN REGARDING CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL’S CONFERENCE IN... This letter first published last week in Winnipeg Jewish Review has been referred to by an article in the prestigious website of the Hudson Institute NewYork OPEN LETTER The Honorable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defense Jennifer...

Islam and Jerusalem march-18-2012-islam-and-jerusalem.html On March 14, I attended a conference that considered the question, "Jerusalem: How Important Is It to the Muslims?" Held at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, it was jointly sponsored by the Center and...

Fundamentalist Christian Groups in Israel: A Warning of Things to Come in the Millenium?

The purpose of this paper is to identify and provide brief analysis of members of two Christian fundamentalist groups which are currently residing in the vicinity of the Mt. Of Olives. While these groups...

Counter Tourism: Responding to Pro-Palestinian Protest and Solidarity Tours Visits to Efrat Since the early 1990s I have spoken with nearly 4,000, mostly non-Jewish, visitors to Efrat, a modern-Orthodox/religious-Zionist community of some 10,000 residents situated about halfway between Jerusalem and Hebron. I began...