Orli Avior Reporting from Ashkelon: Missile Hits My Neighbour’s House and Medical Clinic

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=4323&sec=1&title=Orli_Avior_Reporting_from_Ashkelon:_Missile_Hits_My_Neighbor%27s_House_and_Medical_Clinic Around two o’clock yesterday afternoon, a red alert siren went off and I went into the Mamad, the safe room, in my apartment where I heard a two really loud booms. Then the siren...

The State of the Communities of Gush Katif and Northern Gaza

Method of Research Key people (heads of community secretariats, spokespeople and community workers) were interviewed from almost every community in Gush Katif or northern Gaza to obtain this information. General assessments were cross-referenced with a...

Parents Forum for Justice

Parents Forum for Justice ParentsForumForJustice.blogspot.com 1-201-256-1516 parents.forum.for.justice@gmail.com January 19, 2012 The Honorable Eric H. Holder Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice Robert F. Kennedy Building Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Attorney General: We the undersigned are parents whose children, all citizens of the...

Revealing What Has Been Covered Up: The Names of Those Murdered by the Fatah

At a time when the Fatah organization is being presented to the Israeli public and to world opinion as a non-terrorist alternative to the Hamas, the Bar Am Public Relations Agency in Jerusalem has...

Does the IDF really want the Haredi Orthodox in its ranks?

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=4203&sec=2&title=Does_the_IDF_really_want_the_Haredi_Orthodox_in_its_ranks As far as the army is concerned, the issue of drafting the ultra-Orthodox into the IDF cuts both ways. The “blessing”? Well, faced with the deterioration of the situation on Israel’s borders, opening a large...

A Dispassionate Look at UNRWA as a neutral source… After Examining UNRWA Statements During...

In the New Year, Israel and nations concerned about the humanitarian rehabilitation of Gaza are looking for an agency to carry out that task at hand. A neutral entity has been sought in order to...

The Official Curriculum Used in the Palestine Authority

On 11th January, 1999, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres opened the session of the PERES CENTER FOR PEACE by saying that the era of Arab Incitement against Israel is a thing of the...


Hawida Araf photo by Rhonda Spivak Howard Davidson photo by Rhonda Spivak Daniel Thau Eleff, Howard Davidson photo by Rhonda Spivak http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=908&sec=1&title=WOMAN_WHO_PLANNED_THE_FLOTILLA_TO_GAZA__WAS_AT_ISRAEL_APARTHEID_WEEK_HERE About 35 people, including a handful of supporters of Israel and two University of Manitoba staff attended the talk...

Austria: Springboard for Global Jihad

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4651/austria-jihad Austria figures prominently in a map produced by the IS that outlines the group's five-year plan for expanding its caliphate into Europe, and has emerged as a central hub for jihadists seeking to fight...

Efraim Inbar: The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64939 THE BEGIN-SADAT CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY Mideast Security and Policy Studies No. 109 The New Strategic Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean Efraim Inbar http://besacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/English-booklet.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For centuries, the Mediterranean Sea was the main arena for international interactions,...