Israel’s South Surviving Next Round of Gaza Rockets

A rocket war rages in the south of Israel as more than 200 rockets have been fired at urban areas since Friday afternoon, following Israel's killing of the leader of the Popular Resistance Committee...

From Mein Kampf to The Saudi Plan: 100 Years of Dhimmitude?

The writer has been involved in regional projects in cooperation in public health for the past 25 years, and is now investigating the effects of incitement in promoting genocide Press Reports hint that Sectretary of...

Is Ariel Sharon the Scion of King David or King Saul?

Hebron, (May 23, 2001) Last night Prime Minister Ariel Sharon answered questions following his dramatic press conference, announcing Israeli acceptance and compliance with the Mitchell Report. One of the final questions dealt with'settler security.' Sharon...

Putting a Human Face on People About to be Evacuated from their Homes

Only a few weeks before the government of Israel proposes to evict the residents of the Jewish community of Sanur from their homes, Israel Resource News Agency dispatched a Russian speaking correspondent to meet...

Hollywood against Israel,7340,L-4215414,00.html It doesn’t matter that Iran’s ayatollahs just hosted an international conference, attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, against "Hollywood and Satanism" and "Hollywoodism and Zionism." It doesn’t matter that many blockbusters have been banned in...

Blowing On Shimon Peres’s Candles Normally, I would not raise a big stink about Shimon Peres’s 90th birthday bash. When it comes to birthdays, I salute that great Western Jewish tradition that loves to celebrate at least twice a year...

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire: NOT A PEACEFUL WOMAN

We must not mistake her: The Nobel peace prize laureate is no “peace activist.” She identifies in absolute terms with Hamas, despite the fact that she knows that it is an anti-Semitic organization that...

Overcoming Attempted Murder

Dear friends and facebook friends of friends! I am asking you to take a moment - read my story - and consider sponsoring Pia Levine as she participates in the NY Triathlon to raise funds...

When the United Jewish Communities tried to Bequeathe the Isaiah Award for Peace to...

As the United Jewish Communities convenes in its annual General Assembly, days after Yasser Arafat's death, I am still awaiting an expression of gratitude for saving the august organization from a terrible embarrassment In October,...

Anti-Semitism in Newton (MA) Schools

Below is my account of the developing scandal at the Newton public schools. For months a group of Jewish parents and community members has asked the school board for copies of the curriculum, texts...