UN Accused Of Complicity In Murder Of Israelis

The United Nations was accused Wednesday of allegedly helping Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist forces ambush three Israeli soldiers and abduct an Israeli citizen traveling in Europe. The accusations were made by the mother of one of...

Egypt after Morsi: The Defeat of Political Islam?

http://jcpa.org/article/egypt-after-morsi-the-defeat-of-political-islam/ Vol. 13, No. 19 12 July 2013 The Muslim Brotherhood’s 80-year dream to take over Egypt ended in a fiasco, barely one year after one of its own was democratically elected to the office of...

If Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound Collapses Israel is at Fault

Shortly after official Israeli warnings that Jewish terrorists are threatening to blow up Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Israel is again threatening to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan...

Two Weeks of Incisive Commentary

February 21, 2008: Standing Strong Before returning to current news items, I would like to refer back to one of the themes of yesterday's posting, regarding the inability of some Israelis (some Jews) to defend...

Kant on Perpetual Peace and the Seeds of Another War

Two hundred years ago, an essay entitled "Perpetual Peace" by German idealist philosopher Immanuel Kant argued: "no peace treaty may be deemed valid that contains within its provisions, the seeds of another war." This seemingly...

UK Politicians Collaborate with Muslim Brotherhood Islamists?

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4047/global-peace-and-unity-conference-uk Speakers at the upcoming Global Peace and Unity conference can be categorized as follows: 65% are anti-Semitic, misogynist, homophobic and pro-terror preachers, 20% are public servants offering political legitimacy and moral credibility to the...

NIF Whistleblower Exposes NIF’s Role in Demonization

The New Israel Fund’s role in funding and promoting anti-Israel campaigns, as documented in NGO Monitor’s research reports, is generating increasing criticism from Israelis. On July 16, 2010, Ma’ariv’s Ben-Dror Yemini devoted his column...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=1183&sec=1 l photo by Rhonda Spivak Newt Gingrich at AIPAC Conference photo by Rhonda Spivak Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League with the Editor of the Winnipeg Jeiwsh Review Former Democratic Congressman (Florida),Robert Wexler photo by Rhonda Spivak PRESIDENT OBAMA: HIS CONNECTION...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: October 9, 2007 "Speechless?" Not quite. It takes a lot to render me speechless. But the events of the last few days push me in that direction. The foolishness, the essential errors in thinking, the...


The city of Hebron, approximately 20 miles south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills, has been linked to the Jewish people from time immemorial. It is, after Jerusalem, the most sacred city for the...