In Sderot – Remembering Tibet, Instead of Watching the Olympics in Beijing

It would be the easiest thing in the world to relax, sit back and watch the Beijing Olympics on my porch in Sderot. Yet it is hard to forget flashbacks from exactly three years ago,...

Six Years, Until When?! It took me 20 minutes to drive to Ashdod from Tel-Aviv on Sunday morning August 21st, 2 days after Ashdod, the fifth biggest city in Israel, was hit by seven Grad missiles fired from...

A Diary of Newsworthy Insight

Posting: May 12, 2008 "Inspiration" Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, delivered a speech for Israel's 60th. It is so extraordinary that I must lead off with this today: "All of my life, Israel has been a...

Commentary: Abbas’s Assurances to Olmert…

Well... yesterday we were told that during their meeting Abbas assured Olmert that the release of Shalit was imminent, and that he would be working to try to make it happen before the unity...

The Settlements Issue: Distorting the Geneva Convention and the Oslo Accords

Published January 2011 Vol. 10, No. 20 5 January 2011 Alan Baker Palestinian representatives at the UN have prepared a draft resolution that will seek to declare that Israeli settlements are "illegal and constitute a major obstacle...

Tzipi Livni, are you listening? An age-old Jewish tradition suggests that the wildest fantasies usually end up coming true. This week, there was a talking ass in the Torah portion, it turned out that Jesus never wanted to start...

Rights Spelled Clear As promised, a different sort of posting here: legal and historical background that is essential to understanding Jewish rights in the land. This review will be succinct, with links to informational sites for those who...

The Telltale Silence of the Post-Oslo Palestinian Press

(Lecture for the conference: "A 21st century Dialogue: Media's Dark Age?" Athens, 24th - 28th May 1998, organized by "Women for Mutual Security") The Palestinian Authority oppresses its people and intimidates its press. In what...

So you thought Netanyahu is tough on terrorism? Not exactly Last week, our government sent my daughter’s murderer, Ahlam Tamimi, a pre-wedding gift. Tamimi, the woman who engineered the 2001 massacre in Jerusalem’s Sbarro restaurant, was released from prison by the Israeli government in October...

What Wingate Wrought Everyone still remembers T. E. Lawrence, if only because of David Lean’s magnificent movieLawrence of Arabia and Lawrence’s own literary masterpiece,Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Yet far fewer remember Lawrence’s distant cousin, the British Army officer...